A Detroit Bird Flies Off Into The Sunset…


MARK ‘Bird’ FIDRYCH was a colorful baseball player for the Detroit Tigers whose career was way shorter than he was, but his legend never stopped growing long after his playing days were over. FIDRYCH was beloved by the press which has only published nice stories about the quirky pitcher who came into the major leagues in a flash and left them just as abruptly.

FIDRYCH played the game with a carefree spirit and maintained that perspective throughout his life. He was just MARK being MARK way before there was MANNY being MANNY. If there is anything that MANNY RAMIREZ has not done to curry the favor of the beat writers who have covered his career is to have pitched in the majors.

I’m sure it’s because MARK FIDRYCH was a pitcher that the sportswriters celebrate his offbeat character. Yeah, that’s the ticket.


2 Responses to “A Detroit Bird Flies Off Into The Sunset…”

  1. red_not_yella says:

    True weirdness – just watched a re-broadcast of his first matchup against the Yankees this weekend on ESPN Classic (?) – *before* the accident and death… .

    Old enough to remember his debut and the deserved hype – the guy was bigger than the pet rock, for Pete’s sake! (Also remember Momz’ favorite Jim Rice being displaced by the curls and let-it-all-hang-out.

  2. red_not_yella says:


    An honest, open spirit, anda true trailblazer for all of us latter-day “weirdos.”

    Too young.

    Redundant link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm_jU0b5Hgw

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