
Props to Dirty Jerz for the headline.

I O.D.’d on Wolverine this weekend thanks to my connect JaiSlayer. I’ve had the Wolverine vs. Hulk cartoon and the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie on constant rewind. Both joints are must see films if you fux with the X-Men some kind of way.

While the cartoon is definitely for a younger audience the movie is also going to appeal to younger fans of the X-Men, especially those of us that have no recollection of the historical canon that established the Logan/Wolverine character. I typically don’t mind when moviemakers fux with some of the details in a character’s history. Just as long as they don’t fux with the essence of the character.

Wolverine is still a bad ass in the film even though he doesn’t kill too many villains on screen. You get the feeling that he would do some of the crazy shit he says he’ll do if you get in his way. HUGH JACKMAN has been one of the truest portrayals in the previous X-Men movies. In this film he is almost relegated to a supporting character role. LIEV SCHREIBER is that good as Sabretooth.

Everybody cast for this film did a great job. Even Will.I.Am in the role of the mutant Kestrel was surprisingly good. The ret-conned storyline for Deadpool was the only facet that was a little annoying to me. I still can’t wait to watch this film on the big screen. Marvel Comics is bringing a nice little storyline together between Iron Man, The Hulk and Wolverine. I think Captain America will be a nice addition to this thread. The Avengers movie will be off the effin’ chain.

The Wolverine vs. Hulk cartoon was dope as hell. We get a bit of background on the Weapon X program as well as a look at the revisioned Team X. With all the ret-conning that takes place now as comics are converted into motion picture media I just look at each chapter as a story unto itself. I can’t get too upset when characters are given revised origins so long as they don’t make the characters into some cornball children’s mascot. Wolverine handing out flowers?!? No fucking way.


4 Responses to “SSSNIKT!!!”

  1. Jaislayer says:

    I still haven’t watched that Wovlerine vs Hulk cartoon. It’s on my to do list this week. I can’t wait to see this movie for real on May 1. I may have to take off work and get in the movies early. Marvel really did a great job explaining Wolverine’s early history. They have the comic to movie game on lock.

  2. 1969 says:

    My son and I are so ready for the release on May 1st and we watch Wolverine Vs. Hulk constantly as well as the rest of the Wolverine cartoon series. Like you said, it’s geared towards a younger audience but it’s pretty good. The Emma Frost episode is my favorite.

  3. dubble13 says:

    The Deadpool comic out name has some of the wittiest and funniest lines ever….

  4. dubble13 says:

    I can’t seem to write properly today:

    The Deadpool comic has some of the wittiest and funniest lines ever…It is even surpassing Amzing Spider-Man. I seriously HATE the aftermath of the BRAND NEW DAY storyline.

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