Revenge Of The Sith…


I don’t think the Rockets can get away with manhandling the face of the Association. How many other Black dudes have gotten away with stealing the booty of a young tender… White? Exactly, KOBE is more connected than TIM DONAGHY was. At the end of the day you still have to hit the shots and KOBE shot better than 50% from the field.

The series started pretty chippy from the gate and I think Houston is lucky that TRACY McGRADY isn’t on the floor for them. McGRADY is too tender for the rough stuff that we will see as this series continues. I hope he retires already and just opens up his flower selling business in Florida. The Association is too hardbody for that dude.

Some people still sleep on KOBE’s toughness even though this guy has a decade in this league and a shitload of post-season wins. True, he doesn’t have a post-SHAQ ‘chip, but you know that shit is coming. If I could get in RON ARTEST’s ear I would tell him to fall back on trying to intimidate these Lakers, especially KOBE. These dudes ain’t neva skurred.

Remember that chin check CHRIS CHILDS served on KOBE? Where do you think CHILDS is now? He’s living in a homeless shelter as an alcoholic. KOBE BRYANT visits him during the off-season to urinate on him. I wouldn’t fux with KOBE if I was RON. Queensbridge swagger be damned, KOBE is from Philadelphia. That shit is more hardbody than Camden.


20 Responses to “Revenge Of The Sith…”

  1. nerditry says:

    Kobe’s from Philly the same way that Puffy is from New York, a decent train ride away.

    PA shows KBB24 absolutely no love when he was in the building against the 76ers and didn’t even mention that squad when he was threatening to defect a few summers back.

    You don’t fuck with the crazy guy and Ron-Ron is that dude. Dude gives so little of a fuck about celebrity and status that he worked at Circuit City while he was in the NBA!

    Kobe is tough, soccer tough.

  2. J™ says:

    Breaking news, DP, need to get it up on the Manny Watch.

    Manny suspended 50 games for violating drug policy.

    Baseball stays… losing. This is why I don’t even care about my Royals this year when they are actually doing something.

  3. Amadeo says:

    I keep trying to care about baseball…but y’know…the Orioles.

  4. Polotron says:

    Manny’s infraction = performance enhancer of a sexual nature??

    Being Manny…..too funny.

  5. 1969 says:

    Nerditry great points. I drive past Kobe’s high school every day and watch the kids pull up in ther Range Rovers and BMW’s. He’s been a sheltered rich kid his whole life. Lower Merion, not Philly.

    However, his Dad is gully as hell…..apples don’t fall far from the tree.

  6. the_dallas says:

    Kobe is like Palpatine and the Rockets are those OTHER jedi that look like fishes or whatever their names were. Just being from an area near Philadelphia you have to earn props. The ground water in that region is fucked the fuck up. Try and act like a kid from Tikrit won’t be as 7:30 as some kid from the slums of Baghdad?

  7. nerditry says:

    @Dallas : How you gonna bring up Tikrit like that when you know my mama’s from there?

  8. ItchEtrigR says:

    dp!! man you should know that sh!t dont get ill’er than ron artest… you seen the post game interview?? it’s a classic… “dont you know your hitting ron artest?”

  9. chris says:

    nerditry hit the nail right on the head. this dude is the farthest thing from philly – he’s from the damn mainline for crying out loud. let’s be real. don’t mistake his toughness w/ him being a dirty player (bo on artest; bo on manu in the playoffs a couple years back). i wonder if y’all read the article about how kobe took over production for that espn jankery “kobe doin work” b/c he didnt like how he was being portrayed. wild head. on a side note, that lakers team minus kobe would prob. still go to the finals (but still lose to the cavs). on a side note, artest is that bul. great player who gets hated on for something that happened 5 years ago.

  10. the_dallas says:

    Did the Association ever eject Michael Jordan?!? No one was as grimy as MJ could be.

    All I have to ask y’all regarding Kobe Bryant is where is Chris Childs now? I know Ron Artest. I used to catch him and his brother in games at the courts right outside Ravenswood Houses. He is a cager in the classic sense, but Kobe has the deck stacked like he is part of the Illuminati.

  11. Polotron says:

    “Why didn’t Ron Artest go after Ben Wallace?…”

    And right now I don’t even recall whose lyric that was.

  12. Casey says:

    Kobe wouldn’t risk the sponsor money. Ron doesn’t give a fuck

  13. Skeematics says:

    Ron Artest Back down from Kobe the Snitch bitch? Never….. Kobe is overrated, he may be the best clutch shooter in the game now next to Dwayne wade but thats where the props stop. The Lakers and their leader are soft. They dont like playing physical. Kobe aint gettin no ring with out shaq, Lebron will see to that this year.

  14. Chief says:

    DP, Jordan got ejected and suspended for 1 game in the ’92 season against Utah.

    He got in the officials face and got tossed and suspended for not leaving the court in a timely fashion.

    But I agree, no one was ever as grimey as MJ, just ask Will Purdue and Steve Kerr how it felt to get snuffed by Mike during practice.

  15. Thomas says:

    That Chris Childs snuff is crazy. I would have to disagree….Kobe doesn’t want none of Ron Ron. Ron Ron has Bipolar….this is the the same dude who said Brandon Roy is the best player he has every played against and called CB34 overrated.


  16. PerForce1 says:

    I like him, but he doesn’t seem right

  17. Polotron says:

    johnnyutah…Good look!

    I’m blaming the seedless….

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