Back 2 School Fools Beer Follies…


Spanish researchers have found that moderate beer drinking women have a better bone density than non-drinkers.

Moderate drinking ‘boosts bones’

Shouts to all of those women that throw moderation out of the window.

We don’t need no stinking scientists to tell us that excessive drinking is great for bones as well.

Welcome back to college.


5 Responses to “Back 2 School Fools Beer Follies…”

  1. blackneck says:

    damn, I miss college.

  2. Gee says:

    I second…The Yard ain’t been the same since my class ran through it back in the day…RIP The HOUSE!

  3. jaislayer says:

    That picture is great!!!

  4. Tony Grands says:

    Co-sign jaislayer…

  5. King Elz says:

    Your picture choosing skills are EXCELLENT (c) Jadakiss

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