A Tribe Called Tanya Morgan…

tanya morgan

My former colleague from my former column at XXL, CARL CHERY, called me blasphemous when I said that Tanya Morgan was A Tribe Called Quest 2009. Let’s be perfectly honest and clear that I am not giving the accolades and achievements of ATCQ to Tanya Morgan, but instead I am looking at them as a structural entity that resembles Tribe. ATCQ had four members along with Consequence and J Dilla. Tanya Morgan has Che Grand, but no one to resemble the avant garde JayDee.

Getting past the exacting and technical references to the legendary rap group this lessondary rap group occupies a similar sphere in Hip-Hop’s cosmology. Tanya Morgan, like ATCQ, are progressive rap artists and this makes their commercial success an uphill battle. Their content is more cerebral and esoteric than the majority of the peers at their level. Tanya Morgan’s vibe is laid back and cool without arrogance or hubris. These are the cats that would kick it at the student organization open mic at the local community college.


A Tribe Called Quest was the same type of everyman rap group. They eschewed stereotypes and crafted great music which broadened the horizons within the Hip-Hop genre. The idea that people can come from tough living conditions and rise above those situations with their art is the essence of Hip-Hop in the first place. This is the legacy of A Tribe Called Quest that I see reflected in Tanya Morgan.

At the end of the day though you have to make good music.

And this is what Tanya Morgan does.

8 Responses to “A Tribe Called Tanya Morgan…”

  1. Tony Grands says:

    Professor, I noticed the word “former” more than once in regards to the X-spot.

    You through over there?

  2. Tony Grands says:

    That down to earth, blue collar, regular joe rap is making a resurgence, for all the right reasons.

  3. ADB says:

    Brooklynati is one of the best albums I’ve heard this year.

  4. bananaclipse says:

    I completely agree. I’ve made the same distinction and was givin major flack.

  5. misterchane says:

    crazy timing…just copped the album two days ago….meant to do it when it dropped but didn’t for some reason….really digging it….spot on post, Dallas

  6. Mark Dub says:

    You see? This is EXACTLY why I keep tuning in. Dallas, I’d never heard of these dudes, but since you’ve now put me on, I’m going to PURCHASE theirl album ASAP. Much appreciated, brother!

  7. i cosign bananaclipse’s statement. i been fuxin’ with these dudes since a lil’ after moonlighting and they definitely give me the tribe / de la vibes. moreso tribe, of course. brooklynati is in my top 5 (possibly 3?) of this year undoubtedly.

  8. Hookdaddy says:

    DP it’s funny that you made the connection cause for a minute I thought their name was A Tribe Called Tanya Morgan. In a song with Little Brother Von Pea says, “I’m Von Pea from A Tribe Called Tanya…” so maybe getting that moniker is something they have kinda shot for. If they keep putting out albums like Brooklynati they may deserve it one day.

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