DP = All-City Status…

dare piece

Tonight is another special night in the big city of dreams. CHINO BYI is launching his second book with Sacha Jenkins – Piecebook Reloaded. This will be a dope little event. Shouts to CHINO and my old Brooklyn Tech classmate Julie Bee.

Prior to the book launch is a Patron tasting event and y’all already know the deal on my legendary pre-gaming ability. If God would have just given me more hands I could hold more drinks.

The closeout tonight is the DJ SPINNA party at Crash Mansion. The theme is going to be a funk celebration. Check for me poplocking on the dancefloor when Whodini’s ‘Freaks Come Out @ Nite’ drops.

And you already know…

6 Responses to “DP = All-City Status…”

  1. nerditry says:

    You should definitely catch a live show of my boy Mitch aka Father Dude (http://www.fatherdude.com/). Blue (brown) eyed soul with a live band.

  2. In case any of the kids aren’t hip to NYC graf legends, Chino is very cool here–


  3. mercilesz says:

    yo dallas if u can please email me the info about the spinna party. good looks peace

  4. T Reynolds says:

    Pardon me for the dumb question… the rumor is true that the original Chino BYI is passed a long time ago and there are several writers who wrote that and maybe one now?

    My man from Queens who’s a writer told me this but I seen the dude in that vid Willis posted hit up Chino at the Beatnuts / Sacha play. I see that cat everywhere

    Rumors, rumors, rumors

  5. okay, okay says:

    dont forget about whodini’s haunted house of rock for that halloween jump off

  6. 40 says:

    I always rocked my 3D from the left & bottom, whereas you’re right & top with yours Dallas. Analyze and do with as you will.

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