Toy Story: Star Wars – The Fett Legacy


I have been going in hardbody on mty action figure steez ever since the TJX family of retailers has been coming up on them. I’m not too fond of the latest generations of Star Wars and G.I.Joe figures because of their pune design but when I saw this three pack called ‘Star Wars Evolutions: The Fett Legacy’ I had to copp.

Boba Fett was only like most prA’li the second most badass guy in the universe. How many other people were unafraid to give Darth Vader backtalk? Boba Fett was all like, “Captain Solo is worth a lot to me buddy.”. And then Vader told him he’d get his paper whether Solo lived the carbonization process or not. Fux it, I’m watching Ep.5 tonight.


Mattel also gives up Boba Fett’s dad, Jango Fett in the pack as well as this super badass Force legacy character named Mandalore the Indomitable. This dude is supposed to be character that all the Mandalorian bounty hunters sprung up from.

I admit that I don’t have the Force legacy shit down pat like that but I do know that the Fetts wear Mandalorian armor and you have to be extra hardbody to own that shit. It’s the equivalent of rocking a dookey rope walking around Albee Square Mall in 1985.


Mandalore and other Sith confederates

True Star Wars junkies like myself appreciate the attention to detail and articulation that these figures have. I just wish their scale was a bit larger. I saw several other legacy packs that featured characters from the days of the Old Republic. I might have to copp the Clone legacy pack if I see that joint floating around.

You already know I copped two(2) of the Fett legacy packs. Someone just needs to give me a reason to send it to them.


pics via Captain Toy

19 Responses to “Toy Story: Star Wars – The Fett Legacy”

  1. dubble13 says:

    Send it to me, or I will have Black Dynamite kick yo’ azz…think of the orphans!!! I was an orphan….

  2. the_dallas says:

    I respect that you stay on your DP Free Shit grind hardbody. You still fuxing with the VHS tapes? I got some fly shit I’ma let go of.

  3. Tony Grands says:

    I showed my son the pictures, & he said to ask you, can he please play with your toys. I paused him, of course.

  4. dubble13 says:

    send whateva my way. i am getting my ass kicked in the football pool…

  5. Mark Dub says:

    Yo…send em to me b/c I’m a loyal reader/commenter/contributor, AND I haven’t won anything in a while 🙂 No disrespect to the others.

  6. Tony Grands says:

    Grands withdraws [||]…..

    I already received a care package. Gluttony is a sin. Lemme know if you need help choosing a winner, DP.

  7. Amadeo says:

    Cause it was fans like me that ressurrected dude. Lucas was going to let him die like a lame. Fell into the Sarlaac? For real? But people got all pissy and said he was just too tough…on top of the back talk…there’s a Star Wars Tales GN that has Fett whip out a light saber on Vader cause he’s trying to snatch up Solo…which doesn’t agree with Fetts profit margin.

    The Killer….Mandalore is the one that united the race (wasn’t human) and they took their name from him. Like the group (anyone hardcore fighter of any race) became mandalorians…the leader took on the title mandalore…and they basically wrecked shop throughout history.

  8. the_dallas says:

    Check your mailbox for this pack.

  9. Amadeo says:

    I thank you…on a side note…they make their armor out of this super hard metal…all but Boba…he was so hardcore he didn’t bother.

  10. Mark Dub says:

    Chea! Honestly, after that, I think that if you had sent it to me, I’d have to ask Amadeo for his snail mail addy so that I could send it to him. Well played, sir….well played.

  11. the_dallas says:

    Its funny how George Lucas had to recognize that Star Wars Universe didn’t belong to only him any longer but I still wish he would sign-off on Eps.7-9 so the rest of us could still enjoy ourselves.

    Boba Fett’s ret-conned fate seems way more in line with how badass he was.

  12. BIGNAT says:

    Eps.7-9 really? that means we would get to see the death of chewbacca and more ewoks.

  13. king blair says:

    He should do ep 7-9 as animated like the new show to get away from crappy actors an focus on story more

  14. king blair says:

    Im a true fan of the Marvel universe 3.75 figure line jus copped the skrull cap america 2pack from wall mart

  15. king blair says:

    I would like to win weed dallas (no feds) its a recession………Jus kiddin

  16. Mark Dub says:

    ^^^ yo king….some of the Marvel Universe 3.75 figures are aight (I like the Black Panther figure), but as much as I hate to admit it, the DC Universe 3.75 figures just look better. They’re pretty dope. I’m collecting those joints…..for my son…yeah…sure…that’s the reason! LOL!

  17. king blair says:

    naw marvel joints got more POA( parts of articulation) an marvel joints have better scale too like the hulk 5 inches while all dc joints dont vary

  18. the_dallas says:

    I can’t wait to get back to my mother’s basement. When I was in ATL I copped about a half dozen Marvel Legends Ultimate War Machine figures. They were on some Wal-Mart exclusy shit. I was beasting on Marvel Legends ansd Unleashed joints and all I want to do is mail them shits to my peoples. The Addict aka dP has issues(yes comics)

  19. Mark Dub says:

    ^^^ King…I concur that the Marvel joints have more POAs and thus are better for posing, but some of the figures just look sickly while the DC characters look like the actual factual.

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