Yep. It’s not just white cats that be stackin’ they cream, because even white CATS get that cream.
Race isn’t simply just a facet of western culture, race IS western culture.
Yep. It’s not just white cats that be stackin’ they cream, because even white CATS get that cream.
Race isn’t simply just a facet of western culture, race IS western culture.
Great drops DP. The last week you have been dropping some serious SHIT!! I hope folks is hitting these links and reading some of this stuff. Alot of us think shit is good cause we got Barry in the White House. I’m thinking we gotta work even harder now. It’s serious out here and no one is getting any breaks. I got a bunch of friends with college degrees or master’s degrees who can not get hired. I got too much to say about the Afghan plan & that Secret Service foolishness that took place last week. I’m out before I get fired. Peace.
dallas, on the real, it might have been a good thing you lost your camera, because as jaislayer stated, “you have been dropping some serious SHIT!”
it was the writing which tethered me to your site. not knocking the videos at all, but it’s the writtens which keep my mind fed.
make it do what it do
TRILLL drop DP, when you comin back down Souf?
“You want to be a nonthreatening, professional black guy”
I see so many brothers rep that. I find it amusing. It is the unwritten rule that many people live by. KEEP a low hair cut and by all means LEARN how to remove the bass from your voice. Oh yeah (this was discussed here before) heaven help you if you’re well over 6ft, because it won’t be easy.
. . . that’s why I simply said f*ck it and let my hair grow out, blow out, frizz out and fro out. I get those uncomfortable looks but folks will get used to it and accept it.
D, john speaks the truth. HOWEVER, some of your videos (Kanye’s Streetlights) and photographs pieces (Doom by Virgin MegaStore) are SUPERBLY creative and inspiring. Keep it going.
Thanks for posting this link!
I dont think you can outright posit that “Race isn’t simply just a facet of western culture, race IS western culture. ”
Race is a facet of ANY and ALL culture where there are ethnic/racial disimilarities and people grow up in any type institutional partition. See China with the Uighurs, Kenya with the South Asians(Shout out the the always sexy Zain Verjee), Chad with the Darfur, Even the joint with India/Pakistan/Afghanistan.
People always fear “the other,” and “look out for their own.”
Why? Why? Tell them that it’s human nature
PS. You gotta check out page 17 of todays Metro NY(That free paper).
Funny beyond belief.
“those interviewed told subtler stories, referring to surprised looks and offhand comments, interviews that fell apart almost as soon as they began,”
True story: “Oh wow!! I thought you were Russian or something,” the interviewer told me upon meeting face to face. “Where did you get a name like that?!?” Fortunately I got hired because he loved the work.
Veteran actor, director Giancarlo Esposito experienced similar circumstances early in his career.
Race isn’t simply just a facet of western culture, race IS western culture.
yeah u can pretty much say that because its true. when 6 100 is talking about other racial stratification he is talking about the “east”….dallas made no mention of the east and what he said about the west 6 100 agreed was true. he said there are other….well compared to what? the west
Have you seen that commercial where there are two little girls sitting at a table. A man asks the dark haired girl (possibly Latino) if she wanted a pony. She says yes and gets a toy pony. The man asks the same thing to the other girl, a blonde. She says yes and then gets a real pony. Then the dark haired girl says I didn’t know it was a real pony. My grandmother turned to me after watching it and said “what kind of shit is that?” True story.
and even more importantly, seeing racism everywhere (in a cartoon of a white and an orange cat, for exmple) IS African American culture.
“john Says:
December 4th, 2009 at 1:54 am
dallas, on the real, it might have been a good thing you lost your camera, because as jaislayer stated, “you have been dropping some serious SHIT!”
^^^Agreed. I said that to you when you said you lost it. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words is worth one beautiful picture.