The Art Of Star Wars…

mcquarrie star wars

Ralph McQuarrie is the graphic illustrator that is responsible for the texture and feel of the Star Wars universe. This is the dude that George Lucas contracted to create paintings and illustrations that would accompany him in his pitch meeting with 20th Century Fox.

Ralph McQuarrie on Designing Star Wars

star wars mcquarrie

Peep these portfolios of McQuarrie’s original paintings for the OG Star Wars trilogy…

A New Hope

The Empire Strikes Back

The Return Of The Jedi

star wars mcquarrie

Without McQuarrie’s visionary designs the Star Wars trilogy may never have seen the light of day. Salute this man for giving us Boba Fett.

9 Responses to “The Art Of Star Wars…”

  1. BIGNAT says:

    i wonder if McQuarrie gets a big cut of them checks lucas has been getting over the years.

  2. VEe! says:

    D, thanks for the links!
    I really doubt McQuarrie is getting any royalties based on his artwork.

  3. Mark Dub says:

    If he’s not, it’s shameful. He was contracted to do the work, and was probably paid a prearranged amount forthe completed work. Clap for him.

  4. russ the bus says:

    the original trilogy is on spiketv all day today. merry xmas!!

  5. fosterakahunter says:

    I remember diggin some of his drawings more than the finished product.

  6. Slumbilical says:

    wow – hot shit. i know very little about star wars…i need to get on my sci fi deen

  7. VEe! says:

    I remember diggin some of his drawings more than the finished product.

    . . . I celebrate fosterakahunter!!! YEAH!!!

  8. the ambassador says:

    Random tidbit of star wars real life trivia, taken from a guy’s blog, but I can confirm this firsthand because the person in question owns the place of my employment. name censored out to cover my own ass but DP if you email me I’ll tell you lol

    “So what does a guy do with eleventy billion dollars? Other than build a fancy office building and start a fancy restaurant where he brought a handpicked chef over from Italy to cook in it?

    He buys an X-Wing fighter.

    With *******’s IPO money, he purchased one of the actual X-wing fighters used in the Star Wars trilogy. Now most of them are miniature models – I’ve watched the featurettes. But for the hangar scenes, not to mention Dagobah, they had to construct some real life spaceships. And ******* owns one of them.

    And he keeps it in his backyard. This comes from the maitre’ D who talked to Elliot and was confirmed by a caller who lives four houses (read: mansions) down from ******. When I was growing up, I had a swing set. ********* can destroy the Death Star. I also am going to go out on a limb and assume he doesn’t do his own landscaping. After all, he’s gonna need Yoda to pick that thing up when it’s time to mow the lawn.”

    I heard that now with the Google Earth updates, you can see the shit in his yard. That would require me pinpointing where he lives though, and I don’t quite care that much. Kinda cool to know though.

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