GAME REBELLION – IRON MAN from dallas penn on Vimeo.
This video is better than the new Iron Man movie.
What I knew was the can’t miss summer blockbuster was nothing more than a cockteaser [ll]. This could be the Disney effect. ‘Iron Man 2’ lacked soul.
There was hell’a explosions and a cast full of grade-A actors, but the bang that the first ‘Iron Man’ flick had was missing. You can wait for the the NetFlix stream to be available for this joint or better yet go peep ‘Kick-Ass’ (again).
Tho’ I won’t say that I missed seeing Whiplash’s ghey OG outfit.
Damn, I don’t keep up for a bit . . . Check back. And find out I’m missing the best shit in the world.
Thanks for helping to make the Internet awesome again Dallas.