ray lewis

Meyhem Lauren passed me a disk of his latest work. The ‘Clarified Butters’ mixtape is gonna rock some skullcaps this winter. The opening track is called ‘Ray Lewis’ and that shit hits as hard as the man its named after [ll].

True story is that I was listening to the song watching the Ravens play the Jets when Ray Lewis cleaned the clock of the Jets tight end [ll] Dustin Keller. You can call it fortuitous serendipity if you want. I call Meyhem Lauren the future of rap music.

‘Ray Lewis’ is Meyhem Lauren featuring Action Bronson and A.G. da’ Coroner of the Outdoorsmen (track produced by Don Producci)

5 Responses to “RAY LEWIS >>>”

  1. Blessed says:

    flows was tight, hit was mack truck like…
    wwlcome back d peezy

  2. 40 says:

    I hate Ray Lewis the player not the track… True Story me & Ray went against each other in my college gridiron days him and I collided like two immovable objects out of a comic book and we both heard bells. However neither one of us were gonna give each other props at the time of battle. X amount of years later I will give homie his due.

  3. LEX says:

    Action goes in on this.

  4. superbadsolace says:

    wait till you see the video that got shot for this…acts of true outdoorsmen were on full display….btw, the “thieving hebrew” wasn’t behind the boards for this joint lmao!

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