sean p

Sean P fux with Nike SBs hardbody.

I liked the profile of this Supreme x Nike collab when I first saw it but I won’t fux with Supreme at all after I saw how they ripped off Ralph Bakshi.

Me and P don’t always see eye to eye on shit but I know he appreciates ‘StreetFight’ as much if not more than I do. Supreme just lost one.

supreme SB
supreme SB


4 Responses to “SNEAKER FIENDS UNITE!”

  1. BIGNAT says:

    what a fucked up teaser they couldn’t let us get at least a litle bit of the versus tham

  2. Bakshi P!

    And interesting how ya’ll– and others– know “Streetfight” and I only knew of the original title “Coonskin.”

    Brownsville has a tremendous– and very weird– history that’s simply not taught, and has scarcely been written about, ever but I’d hope kids out there someday will learn of both dudes, and much else.

    Tired of fucking Reps & Dems alike? Brownsville elected the first SOCIALIST to New York State gov’t in ** 1915 ** … etc etc.

  3. BIGNAT says:

    dp you seen them tron adidas joints. they won’t even sell them motherfuckers. i bet they waiting for people to go crazy over them joints then drop them.

  4. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    yo Dallas, u might wanna post this. Pure ethering of “QE2” aka Quantitative Easing.

    Simultaneously hilarious, & sad/depressing (given our economy stays getting ethered due to incompetent at best, paid Wall$treet whores at worst, douchebags like Alan Greenspan, Gee Dubbz 43, “teh Ben Bernak”, & Obama 44).

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