Bestest. Show. EVAR!
Eskay from NahRight and Hof from OnSmash in the studio to talk about all things rap related.
The Combat Jack Show >>>
Combat Jack Show 12-17-10 (Eskay & HofOnSmash) by PNCRadio
Troy Ave x Maffew Ragazino Freestyle x Combat Jack Show 12-17-10 by PNCRadio
This entry was posted on Saturday, December 18th, 2010 at 8:20 pm and is filed under 5 Elements, Black Bullshit, Combat Jack, Fanboy Ish, Ghetto Celebs, iNternets Celebrities, Ninjas, No Boutros Boutros... Ghali, Straight Laced, T.O.N.Y., Talking Shit. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Troy Ave is horrible! what the fuck. horrible
DP, it got a lil tense with the Lady at the end. She couldnt get and/or take a joke?