The History Of The Word ‘NIGGER’

state property
When I was born way back in 1970, the second week of February was called ‘Negro History Week’. I always thought that white gave us the second week of February because the great Republican president, Abraham Lincoln has a born day on the 12th.

Now that isn’t the exact origin of what we now call BLACK HISTORY MONTH but I do have a TRUE STORY for you.

The REAL TALK history of the word NIGGER.

The word nigger is a derivative of a German word, NEGGAR. The definition for this word is ‘plowman’. In farming, the plowman is the toughest, most back-breaking and menial task. The plowman has to drive the team of animals through the field. By the end of the day, the plowman is up to his knees in shit and animal piss. The indentured servants that were assigned this work by their feudal lords were expected to do their work in any weather and in any condition.

Fast forward to the settling of America. The colonists that were wealthy bought tracts of land and they brought their indentured servants with them to assist in farming the land. Upon completion of their term of servitude, the indentured servants would become landowners themselves. With vast areas of undeveloped land, the settlers needed more NEGGARS to help them clear forestry and till the soil. The indigenous peoples of America were little interested in helping the settlers and were actually more likely than not to slit the colonists throats while they slept.

The colonists needed a relatively cheap source of labor and manpower. In steps the great Mediterranean traders with their human chattel from central Africa. The colonists were so enthralled by the prospect of these workers because they understood agriculture and could withstand the oppressive humid climate in the southern colonies. The colonists had found their new NEGGARS. For simplicity and clarity purposes, Europeans like to name areas after the resource they extract from those regions. IVORY COAST, GOLD COAST and NIGER were names that were assigned to regions for the commodities they yielded.

The German word NEGGAR begat the African nation NIGER begat the American word NIGGER. The word NIGGER has nothing to do with the Latin word NEGRO any more than the word ‘axe’ shares the same meaning as the word ‘ask’. The name of the governor in California (Schwarze-Neggar) actually means Black-Plowman.

The point of all this info is that when you do the knowledge on this word you find that white called other white the word NIGGER even before they used it as a slur against Black folks. So please feel free to call any white that you know a NIGGER.

PBS has a kick ass series on slavery and how it developed America by providing absolutely FREE labor for more than 200 years. All I have to say is two words… REPARATIONS NOW!

10 Responses to “The History Of The Word ‘NIGGER’”

  1. Loki says:

    DP, as a YT bent on putting an end to needless hate and the acceptance of all humans, when will I be able to use the N word as freely as I desire as long as I am using it positively as another word for “friend” or “brother”?

  2. the_dallas says:

    I would kindly ask you to use the word now amongst your friends and family. Explain to them that the word shouldn’t reflect someone’s skin complexion but rather their work ethic.

    Some folks might buy that, but most of us have been conditioned and programmed to see a Black face when that word is uttered.

    A woman down at the #OccupyWallStreet protests had a sign which read ‘WALL STREET HAS MADE US ALL NIGGERS’. I loved that shit. She wasn’t a Black either.

  3. illill says:

    that needs to be made into a shirt

  4. Loki says:

    The word suggests a strong work ethic though, right? Not lazyness like we have been led believe?

    My other question is, where does Hip-Hop come to play in all of this? Could it not be the driving force towards a better understanding of words and couldn’t it be a vehicle of equality education?

  5. Chepe says:

    Great post!

  6. pmac says:

    is this all cause of lotion man on youtube?

  7. “So please feel free to call any white that you know a NIGGER”…. lol..

    Yo Dallas, i’m interested in your thoughts on Hermain Cain

  8. V says:

    the sad shit is nobody will get confused over the fact that NIGER means BLACK.

  9. skeptical says:

    either this is some not-so-clear satire or it’s simply misinformed – cf.

    so where exactly is Dallas getting the alternate etymology from?

  10. j boog says:

    i agree. everywhere i look up the N word does in fact come from the latin for black.

    is that just conspiracy trying to keep the colored man down?

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