Brother, Could You Spare A Dollar?


Or, KING family goes for broke.

Who am I to judge the family of CORETTA SCOTT and MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr.? Maybe these folks are really broke. I can relate to that because there have been times that I have wanted to flip my piggy banks and take the change to the CoinStar machine at the local supermercado. Damn if I wasn’t so lazy. But to liquidate the belongings of one of the last legitimate American moral statesmen is almost criminal. Dr.KING’s papers and manuscripts belong to every American because he codified the American dream using the same language as the people that drafted the Constitution. KING freaked it like no other before him. If you have a minute, read this post. I respect KING and Brother MALCOLM equally, and don’t sleep on KING thinking that he was pussy. Part of the reason that he had to be killed was because he could foresee the immoral path that capitalism was creating in southeast Asia. He could not keep quiet about it either.

Here we are now in the middle east on that same path that we were walking forty years ago. Too long ago for any of us to remember the details. Even the people that might read this crap in a Langley, Virginia office were too young to peep the technique. That is why KING’s documents are so much bigger than just Hip-Hop. There is a blueprint to manhood that isn’t on a music CD. It’s contained in the personal writings of men like MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. and MALCOLM X. It teaches us to stand up and be individual leaders and assume a civic responsibility so that conflicts like that in Vietnam and in Iraq do not plague our children.

I wonder if the KING family takes PayPal?

5 Responses to “Brother, Could You Spare A Dollar?”

  1. P-Matik says:

    Damn, that’s crazy for real. You are on point though, especially about the last few sentences. Like they say, those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.

    20’s anarchism = 50’s communism = 00’s terrorism.

    Oh, the NSA is actually in Fort Meade, MD. The CIA is in Langley.

  2. the_dallas says:

    ^Thanx P-Matz…

    [shifts tin foil NY Mets fitted hat slightly in the direction of Fort Meade]

  3. P-Matik says:

    Actually, I drove by the NSA yesterday to get some food. I got lost and accidentally drove to thier gate sometime last year. Dudes were asking me all sorts of questions, had a brotha shook.

  4. Yo, I wrote about that shit briefly too.

    Some rich liberal museum will buy all of that shit for good money and keep it all together.

    It’s sad that they would hack it up like that for a few extra bucks.

  5. Rafi says:

    By the way,the documents ended up purchased by a group of business people and philanthropists led by Atlanta’s mayor. They will be in the possession of King’s alma mater – Morehouse.

    The purchase price is not reported but according to the article it is more than the 15-30 million it was estimated the docs would sell for at auction.

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