You can’t even say John Byrne without first saying Jack Kirby.
Avengers Assemble (and maybe the Combat Jack Show?) on May 12.
This entry was posted on Thursday, March 1st, 2012 at 10:18 am and is filed under 5 Elements, Fanboy Ish, H.A.M., Hollyweird, Ninjas, No Boutros Boutros... Ghali, T.O.N.Y., When I Reminisce..., white, Wig Owners. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
The mayor of that city must be pissed. First, the Transformers fuck it up. Then, after union workers and volunteer crews rebuild it, the Avengers come through and lay waste to it.
Indeed. Verily. Excelsior!
Hellz yea!!!! And @combat we are the f.o.o.m squad after all!!(friends of ol marvel!!!
Too bad marvel fucked up their portrayal of me
Man…I am EAGERLY awaiting the masterpiece this movie is sure to be in all of my fanboy glory.
I wasn’t aware that ‘Avengers’ was shot in Chicago. (?)
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The mayor of that city must be pissed. First, the Transformers fuck it up. Then, after union workers and volunteer crews rebuild it, the Avengers come through and lay waste to it.
Indeed. Verily. Excelsior!
Hellz yea!!!! And @combat we are the f.o.o.m squad after all!!(friends of ol marvel!!!
Too bad marvel fucked up their portrayal of me
Man…I am EAGERLY awaiting the masterpiece this movie is sure to be in all of my fanboy glory.
I wasn’t aware that ‘Avengers’ was shot in Chicago. (?)