How geeked are you for the new Spider-Man movie premiering next week? No, really, how geeked are you? Are you wearing your Spider-Man Underoos from when you were four years old on your head like a mask? When someone is annoying you are you placing your middle finger and your ring finger in the palm of your hand in order to shoot webbing over their mouth? Are you using your spider-sense to alert you when to remove the Toaster Strudels from the microwave?
Not only am I having Spider angst but the entire NYC will be in the throes on Spider-Man Week from April 30th until the movie premieres on May 4th. There will be tons of special events all around the city as kids and comic book fans celebrate our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
DallasPenn Dot Com is not one to be outdone evar, even if I am in competition with the city of New York. So everytime I do a post related to Spider-Man or comicdom in general I will host a brief contest quiz and the winner will receive a brand new copy of the widescreen edition Spider-Man 1 DVD. Mailed to you for free thanks to the sponsors of DP Dot Com.
This week’s quiz looks into some of the private life of Peter Parker…
1. What Queens neighborhood does Peter live in with his aunt and uncle? 2. Name the superhero that Spider-Man was schtooping on the side? 3. And her government name? 4. What was Spider-Man’s day job? 5. Do any superheroes get paid for being super?
There’s an easy five questions for this round. Put your answers in the comments section true believers.
Watch me mess this up –
1) Forest Hills, Queens
2. Black Cat
3) Felicia Hardy
4) Freelance Photographer for the Daily Bugle
5) The Avengers had a goverment contract, and for Spider-Man, Danger is His Reward.
Yo, on the reals, Black Cat is a supervillain tho…
1) Aunt May’s house is in Forest Hills
2) Black Cat
3) Felicia Hardy
4) Photographer for the Daily Bugle – AND now he’s a science teacher at his old highschool, Midtown High, except he got outed (no R KELLY) and so now he’s posing as “Ben Reilly” using a holographic image inducer and working as assistant PE coach under FLASH THOMPSON
5) POWER MAN, Luke Cage, and DANNY RAND, Iron Fist, is heroes for hire! And if you’re gonna talk about working for the man, don’t you forget Alpha Flight, Canada’s wack bite of the avengers.
Also just to mess wit jdot’s head (no Kim Kardashian), the Avengers don’t always get paid by the govt for what they do. In one of the early issues of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (, spidey complains that he doesn’t get paid by the avengers, but they will fix him up when he gets regularly effed up in the pursuit of justice.
GRANDMASTER: That’s a Good Look. You actually got through reading those FNSM books.
Dallas – GM should win for going above and Beyond. (no Beyonder)
As long as y’all cats effs with DP Dot Com your’e all winners in my book.
GrandMaster, The Dark Knight Returns teaches us that the whole lot of these characters are all heroes/villains simultaneously. It’s not about a moral ambiguity either. When Batman breaks a man’s fibula he becomes a villain.
Damn, I’m getting a jones to read Dark Knight again… For the fifty eleventh time!
Dallas, did you read THE TRUTH?! That was Kyle Bakers’ Marvel retelling of Captain America as a black dood, ala the Tuskegee Experiment.
People riffed on Kyles’ art style on the book, but Baker is always on point.
^Sounds like the shit. I have to check that out.
That’s an interesting way to spin the Tuskeegee Experiment as well.
That’s a funny ass pic.
Damn, looks like I showed up too late to answer shit. I mean, I’ve already got that DVD, but damn man, the internet’s the only place where it’s socially acceptable to flex nerd muscle.
jdot: “no Beyonder” might be the best thing I’ve heard all week.
That’s What’s Up. You can have that one.
yo jdot you a real stand up guy. If I could split the two DVD’s wit you, I would (no PERFECT STRANGERS).
And you’re the dude who does detective boogaloo? That’s a real good look. i just eff with the comics on the consumer side; you’re out there making moves. lemme just say i’m a fan of your shit (no IBS)
“The Dark Knight Returns teaches us that the whole lot of these characters are all heroes/villains simultaneously. It’s not about a moral ambiguity either. When Batman breaks a man’s fibula he becomes a villain.”
You got me there; good point, and good reference to Frank Miller.
Still, I’m thinking maybe the motivations of their actions is what ultimately decides whether we apply the hero/villain moniker to these dudes and chicks running around in spandex: when batman breaks a man’s fibula, he does so because dude brought it upon himself. When Black Cat (or CATWOMAN for that matter) steals from someone, she’s doing it to get bank, with no care as to who gets effed up.
Even Luke Cage, who’s ostensibly in it for guap, is careful whom he picks and chooses to stomp out (check the Marvel MAX mini; if you don’t have it, holla at my email and i can probly send it to you. I think it’s a good lil read).
Not saying that all heroes is superman and captain america, but i do think that we sometimes want to say there’s a distinction. superman isn’t a hero just ‘cos people think he is: there’s something real about his character, what he does, that makes him a moral example. And the same goes for Joker: we may be sympathetic to him at times, but, ultimately, he’s a Bad Guy. The fact that there are cases straddling the line – Punisher, Venom, hell, even Captain Boomerang – only serves to show that that line really does exist.
but maybe I’m only running off my mouth ‘cos, when it comes down to it, that’s what i like comics for. There’s room for Dark Knight Returns, Spawn, and what have you, but, moral ambiguity be damned: there’s enough of that in the real world. Sometimes i just want my heroes to be bright and shiny.
Because I for sure am not gonna find many spotless heroes in the world today…
^ Well put my friend, and as Stan Lee was fond of sayin’, “Nuff’ said!”
G.L.O. (Good Lookin’ Out). Yeah Boogaloo is all me – unfortunately, I’ve been on my paying-work freelance grizzly, I haven’t updated in a hot minute. But you can see it in print in this new magazine joint called UVC (Urban Voice of Comics).
And to you and Dallas – I’m gonna be in the BX this weekend at the Kids’ Comic Con, so holler at a dood if you want.
Thanks for the props.
you’re killin em with these pics man. damn.
i was a deprived kid… comic books.
Umm..DP….I love comics as much as the next guy (but apparantly not as much as ya’ll) so maybe when you decide to geek out on us, maybe throw up a NERD ALERT or something?
Thanks DP for the op to win some schwag! I’ve already got the afore-mentioned DVD and you know I know all the answers. A better ? would be are we rounding up a posse to catch the mid-nite viewing in BK next week? If so, I’m volunterring to review the flick EXCLUSIVELY for DP.Com.
Challah back!
I’d also like to mention that at one time X-Factor was being paid by the Gov. to handle mutants.
NERDS! i love it! more total nerd drops, please and thank you. i learn some much from you all, my wise elders.
hella props to JDOT and GM!
We are gonna do a Brooklyn Nerds Unite! next week fa’sho.
I am also putting the Spider-Man anime cartoon in schwag bags as well as the Ultimate Avengers anime series.
Get in where you fit in.
Booster Gold got that gwap!!!
I would just like to say that there is no love on this earth. Human beings are rotten to the core and Wu-Tang is not only forever but is also for the children.
^ Doc Zeus you sound suicidal. If you feel like getting your V Tech massacre on just do us all a favor and off yourself first. But atleast wait until after you watch Spiderman 3 its going to be FIRE!