Even In A Recession, The Guns Stay Working…

But f’real tho’, has a gun ever been on unemployment?

The guns were working in Colorado a few hours ago doing their job. You understand that the guns job is to kill people right? It’s not supposed to put a nail into a wood plank because that is a hammer‘s job. It’s not supposed to feed you during breakfast because that is a biscuit‘s job.

Guns get cool nicknames so that people don’t have to confront the sole purpose of the gun which is to kill people. Guns aren’t manufactured in East New York, Brownsville or even Aurora, Colorado but those are the places they find their work. Even in a recession, the guns stay working.

10 Responses to “Even In A Recession, The Guns Stay Working…”

  1. khal says:

    this story is fucking crazy

  2. abstrizzle says:


  3. Zo says:

    I blame Rush Limbaugh. I haven’t heard the whole story yet but this incessant fear mongering breeds this sort of desperation. And to think, Batman is pRA’LI the most Republican/Libertarian/Tea Partist of Superheroes. A 1 percent-er who uses his vast wealth to acquire military grade weapons for his own personal vigilantism. The NRA and the militia’s fail to see this obvious correlation. Just really marred my most anticipated flick of the year. I’m spent.

  4. pmac says:

    that shits sad. i went to see want happend on the daily news video but i coulndt watch a 30 second ad for insurance b4 it.

  5. pmac says:

    i hope this pussy cant live life in the hole and gets his bed let on fire every time his tries to sleep , i d get the hot pot boiling wit baby oil the second he comes on the teer rite to the the face and get hope the worst skinner takes away he’s life every day wat a pussy.

  6. BIGNAT says:

    They shouldn’t give that loser any press. No matter what he will say that is what he wants attention. Don’t even show his face just send him to a cold dark cell for the rest of his life. Fucking loser killing people for what? It’s so fucked up people wasted they time to camp out to claim a spot to see a movie. To enjoy themselves just to sit down get shot, confused and hurt. Last thoughts swirling in your head I don’t wanna die I just wanted to see a movie. God, allah, etc why did it have to end this way. Those people were doing nothing I just don’t get it and I don’t want to know the reason

  7. illill says:

    bignat…..no doubt. the more time we spend on these cable news channels showing this shit it allows other crazies to think they can do the same thing.

  8. Joyce M. Wright says:

    You have a wonderful way with words: short, sweet and since the truth sometimes hurts…painfully on point.

  9. Combat Jack says:

    Guns stay working though.

  10. P. Matik says:


    America loves its guns, son.

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