bruce lee

Last week the American stock market took a tumble and the mainstream media all chimed together about how this was caused by regular folks using E-Trade at night from their home computers. That’s as if regular folks all conspired to sell the same exact stocks on the same exact evening. Ha! Regular people were too busy watching the Oprah broadcast that they TiVo’d from earlier that day, or they were too busy feeding their children. This is what regular people do. Some of us fucks with the E-Trades and the other kajillion services available that allow you to rearrange the pennies that we have miserly accumulated in our mutual funds, but there is nowhere near the amount needed to make the market kvetch like that in a single day. This was way bigger than that.

This was bigger than Enron and Worldcom too. This was some serious paper that was being reallocated. This was some global scrilla. I’m sure most of you realize the amount of money that foreign interests have invested in American business. From venture capital loans to outright ownership, sometimes the only thing that was ‘Made In America’ is the actual sticker that gets placed on an item, and that label was manufactured inside the prison industrial complex using what amounts to be slave labor on foreign built machines. So when the excrement touches the air oscillator you best believe that our overall situation is fucked the fuck up.

The only thing that keeps the lights from being shut off on our azzes is the fact that we are willing to go deep into debt to prevent ourselves from appearing to be poor. This is the second worst thing to be in America. The first should be pretty obvious to you, although it’s sometimes mitigated by receiving an Academy award for being a downtrodden, yet soulful mammy, or being the embodiment of white fear. ‘Monster Ball’ = ‘Dreamgirls’, ‘Training Day’ = ‘Last King of Scotland’. Fantasy and fear both speak to supremacy’s whispered undertone, but enough of this shiite I want to talk about America’s most dangerous enemy.


The mainstream media would love for you to be angry at Iran for their nuclear ambitions. As if somehow Iran would hurl bombs at us as soon as they figure out fission or fusion or whatever it is that makes the atom atomic. The truth is that Iran only wants to produce their own energy so they don’t have to buy it from other countries second hand and third hand. Energy is that boss shiite right there son. You wake up at six a.m. and you go to the loo to piss off the nights’ sweat and you don’t think twice about flicking your light switch. You have it so easy that you don’t even know. Easy also because if you do have an electric bill it’s ridiculously cheap and affordable. Now imagine if your neighborhood had a ration on electric power which also controlled your running water and your heat? The real world is a whole lot bigger than Hip-Hop.

bruce lee

So what if China is restructuring their loans to the U.S.? What does that mean for bottomfeeders like you and I? Not too much in the comprehensive sense I suppose, maybe our children’s children will have to remain in this caste system as well, but I didn’t see that changing anyhoo. From a global standpoint it looks as though we have to recognize our place as not the only superpower on the planet, but one of many. I’ve noticed that Russia has been feeling herself lately. I give the Russians credit for having one of the most hardbody mafias on the planet, but they lose points as a country because they constantly have toilet paper shortages. Toilet paper shortages in China? Not so much.

I knew China was about to rise up after I read this article where this Chinese science fiction author was shitting on Blacks and whites. He is creating a science fiction series and leaving Blacks and whites out of the future. This son of a bitch is doing the same thing that white has been doing for the last fifty years. I can just see his Matrix trilogy with all Asian characters. The fight scenes will be so much iller. Blacks will have no place in the future unless we get on our OCTAVIA BUTLER grind and create some epic stories. I just hope that when the Chinese people take over they show me some love for all the gotdamn chow fun and crispy duck I have bought over the years.

Peace out to KAM HONG Take Out on Washington Ave and St. John’s Place closing down after thirty years because the old man is getting a back operation. The best fried chicken wings and P.F. rice. Evar!

Further proof that the Wu Tang Clan ain’t nothing to fuck with is how decidely Asian def poet BEAU SIA pwns decidely lesbian lard azz talks show host ROSIE McDONNELL after her disparaging racial remarks against Chinese people.

bruce lee

8 Responses to “RETURN OF THE DRAGON…”

  1. Now That Is What I Call Blogging DP!!! We Need
    More Of This….

  2. resource says:

    This is why that Chinese guy in San Fran felt comfortable enough to write a column called “Why I hate black people.”

    They know they are running this country.

  3. Shay says:

    Some real talk with a great humor writing style, I’ve subscribed to this. Thoughtfull and a good read. Stella Content

  4. 911 says:

    Our total debt is in the trillions….this debt you speak of is more like….let’s say you have a credit card 10 grand spending limit you’ve used 6 grand….your paying on it as per your agreement but your still 6 grand in debt….that is what our American companies our doing….up the zeros obviously but you all get the gist…I would say its nothing to worry about but as with our National debt no one knows what the limit on these things are….there has to be a tipping point…I guess the fear for us all could be when the Chinese and whomever else defaults on these things and these companies coming running to the federal government…{ala 2001 different circumstances entirely but similar nonetheless}…higher taxes or further devaluing of the dollar its at .757 vs the euro as of right now….so go buy something with your credit card lol….Salute on the Post DP.

  5. Dj RaYz says:

    Yo DP, you came hard on this one!!! Madd thugish!

  6. Southern Bred says:

    I disagree with your interpretation of the situation.

    MANY MANY factors contributed to correction or “blip” in the market.

    Theres something called the yen carry trade. Ppl borrow in yen and invest in dollars and when the yen rises against the dollar shit gets fucked up. Alot of ppl dealing with Japan (because of near 0% interest rates) pulled out because BOJ (Bank of Japan) rose interest rates and investors instead started buying yen causing the yen to rise against the dollar and the market reacted.

    China has been cautioning about a bubble in the China Market. Finally the bubble burst and the China market had its WORST DAY IN A DECADE and the tremors went around the world.

    Greenspan running around spooking the markets by talking/hinting about an American recession contributed.

    The hybrid system the NYSE uses (the combo of shouting and electronic) malfunctioned.

    The world not sure how America is going to deal with Iran.

    etc etc etc etc….

    I’m glad u posted on it but again some ppl are making it a bigger deal than it is. We are all aware if China sold all their dollars tommorrow America would be fucked but so would China (and the world). China has to deal with China first. They have a LONG way to go before than can fuck the US over the way they would love to. Are they a threat? Yep. Public enemy number one? Not quite yet.

    Your post sounds like you think/believe China was somehow attempting to “bully” the market (which is impossible). Maybe I read it to quick (and I’m to drunk right now and its 2 late) but thats what I got and again China had its worse day in a damn decade so if they were playin bully then they lost.

    And I’m surprised u believe Iran is serious about “peaceful” energy and not enriched uranium. Glad the majority of the world (not just America) believes the opposite. The difference is the rest of the world doesn’t really care. Irans neighbors care but most aren’t in a position to do or say shit. Not to say we can do much (china and russia could do alot but could care less) but I’m not mad that we express concern over the shit.

    ps thanx 4 my package 4 winning the superbowl thing. u upgraded me to baller status 😉

  7. Nigeria says:

    We have to be careful how we approach the Iranian situation because those of us who live in Western nations have relatively little to loose if Ahmadinejad undergoes nuclear enrichment, but there immediate neighbours, and regional rivals such as Saudi Arabia and Israel, could see disastrous consequences if the volatile president decides to undertake any action which his rhetoric implies.

    His language is well to unstable to allow him and his government free rein on such incredibly powerful technology, potentially leading onto WMD, but then again it would be hypocritical if certain nations dictated who should and shouldn’t have such technology.

    In conclusion; its complicated.

  8. Candice says:

    I just wanted to say that Bruce Lee is fly as hell. That’s a REAL SWAGGER.

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