DP Dot Com Football Pool Wk 3 Recap…


What the eff is up with Belize beating the crap out of everybody?!?

I am getting my ass handed to me[ll] so badly in this year’s DP Dot Com Football Pool that I am almost about to be the winner for being the biggest loser. So far this season NoGrossman is in the lead as the only pooler to have played every week and have the lowest score. Dude, if you continue to suck this badly you will have earned yourself a free pair of kicks. Keep up the good bad work.

As for the rest of you…

How ’bout them Cowboys!?!

The DP Dot Com Football Pool Top 20 poolers
1 Belizean PumPum Killa 25
2 DubbleUP 23
3 Pick’em Buggers 22
3 BurDenDer 22
3 Furiou$tylez 22
3 Patriot Games 22
7 Can’t Tell Me Nuttin’ 21
7 dutch’s masters 21
7 Godson Across the Belly…iFux 21
7 Zilla Rocca 21
7 Are1 21
12 Desert Sole 20
12 Eagles_r_makin_a_comeback 20
12 UR Getting Beat By A GYRL 20
12 53 Centers 20
12 Terrortown Assassins 20
12 20/20Proof 20
18 Junebug’s Gold Chains of Death 19
18 AmadeoSweetPicks 19
18 and you say Chi-City 19

Shouts to Behind Bars Bengals who finally completed all of her picks this week and came in with a 10 spot. I’m telling y’all right now to watch out for the ladies up in this piece. By the end of the season they will all be on the Top 20 leaderboard. Guaranteed.

18 Responses to “DP Dot Com Football Pool Wk 3 Recap…”

  1. dubble13 says:

    DubbleUP is crazy with his pigskin game!

    I’m soon to get that Number 1 spot!

    Watch out now!!!

  2. Goliano says:

    Yeah man, I don’t know what the hell I’m doin’. Maybe it shoulda been YesGrossman. lol

  3. Belize says:

    *lights blunt and points to it*

    You never fail me buddy…

    *looks at everyone in the room*

    Yall need to hit this, it might ease the pain..

    *turns up “Gash dem” from Chuck Fender*


  4. the_dallas says:

    ^^ Goliano,
    Don’t sweat it too tough homey. The last can still be first here at DP Dot Com.

  5. Belize says:

    BTW gotta salute DP, cuz I was really not tryin to fuk with this shyt…now Im genually enjoying watching this pigskined sport we call American Football

    *throws open bottle of kool aid at dubble13[||]*

    *spills all over his white tee, staining it forever*

    Come and get me (c) Nasty Nasir

  6. yo, what the fuck duke?! i swear i’ve picked the right teams, and this fucking spread shit is killing me. i’m halfway ready to run up in belize’s spot OJ style for them sneaks.

  7. Belize says:


    You need more people (c) Da Camel

  8. keepaniggadown says:

    I’m not in this football pool I just wanted to drop in and show some love to your page. I was looking through your archives the other day and I ran into your post about Oprah being on the DL. that shit was funny, but it educated the kid on nonoxynol-9 and spermicides. thanks for the knowledge famo.

  9. keepaniggadown says:

    and tell that ninja eskay to get me out of moderation (I know y’all cool.) I been in that shit since the slave trade.

  10. Dart_Adams says:

    This past week I bet against Black. I picked the Lions over an angry brother with a chip on his shoulder (Donovan went crazy and merked e’erything like Tetsuo when he escaped from the hospital). I picked the Katrina Kids over 4th Quarter Vince (who knew Drew Brees and Rex Grossman would be neck and neck in stats?). I picked Cincinnatti, San Diego, and decided to bail on the Raiders in Week 3. Add that to 3 pushes (ouch!) and you got me trying trying to climb my way up from 3rd place. Watch for the come up!


  11. Dart_Adams says:

    Did you get my e-mail this time? If not I’ll try the iNternet Celebrities MySpace page again.


  12. dubble13 says:


    (in the best Tony Montana voice I can muster)

    You wanna play rough? OK! We’ll play rough!

    Say hello to the bad guy!

  13. prynsex says:

    I’m just glad to be back on board. Thanks! Now carry on with the shit talk. I love it!

  14. Amadeo says:

    I’m rising from the muck!

  15. MF Ruimixx says:

    Those NO AINTS messed me up again. It’s official, I’m off the Reggie Bush kool-aid *pause*


    In Romo We Trust baby!

  16. the_dallas says:

    Peace to Meka for not getting a single pick correct this week.

    Look for something in the mail.

  17. Belize says:

    dubble13 Says:

    (in the best Tony Montana voice I can muster)

    You wanna play rough? OK! We’ll play rough!

    Say hello to the bad guy!

    *puts on his black “lookalikeacholo” glasses, loads sawd off and waits for Dubble to finishs his rage fest*

    *walka through the shadows and stands behind dubble [||]*


    *turns up Scarface’s “Recognize” in his speakers*

  18. alex2.0 says:

    screw those effin fins for scoring that last TD!!! and thanks to fav-ruh for holding off the chargers. the packers seem to be the only underdogs who consistently earn me points.

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