POLITRICKS 2008: Poll Dancing Fatigue…


Remember when the early polls gave New Hampshire to CLINTON?

If I hear the results of another poll I will kill my television. I am so campaigned out that I don’t know if my brain will survive the trip to November. These fools have been in the news since the G Dubbz administrations mid-term elections of 2006.

The real problem for me, the average American voter, is that I know all this bullshit about these candidates that is wholly irrelevant to the job of being the president of the United States. The mainstream media outlets parade countless talking heads in front of the camera who know absolutely nothing. What are these fucks talking about? I don’t know, and I don’t care.

The NYTimes stopped being a reliable source of information for truth to my eyes when they helped the district attorney railroad those teenagers falsely accused in the Central Park jogger rape case. The NYTimes is putting BARACK OBAAMA’s candidacy on those same railroad tracks. I can’t help but read the New York Times even though I know it is all about stuffwhitepeoplelike, but that is ultimately why I can’t put it down either. I too want to speak the cultural language of supremacy. At least I want a heads up for when chattel slavery is re-enacted.

MAUREEN DOWD’s NYTimes Op-Ed: Wilting Over Waffles

You have to read her writing to really understand how she speaks when she isn’t feigning her airs of gentility. DOWD certainly uses the ‘ger’ spelling of the ‘N’ word. Maybe she thinks she is entitled to that since her father was an immigrant from Ireland? Maybe her acerbic N-word entitlement comes from her being a lipstick lesbian? For whatever reason that she thinks HILLARY CLINTON has shown BARACK OBAAMA unworthy of the democratic party nomination she is still part of the problem.

The problem is that mainstream media is a celebration of the cult of personality, and BARACK OBAAMA is the only presidential candidate WITH a personality. It has become impossible to deny him, and at the same time he is making every other candidate look as hypocritical as they truly are. OBAAMA has found a way to appear even more sincere than BILL CLINTON did. For that reason alone you are going to have to elect him as a president. Eff HILLARY, and her minions, and their subtle politricks of supremacy.

14 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Poll Dancing Fatigue…”

  1. given her ReThuglican tactics, I’ve started calling her

    Hillary Rove

    Obama’s steez is to not go too negative himself. Obama “stays above the fray”. Even if he wants to do it, that will conflict with his Hope talking point.

    So Obama should outsource the negative talk to a WC. An attack-dog that can on cable TV & open up the can of ether-juice daily on Hillary Rove. Cenk Uyger of TYT would be a good choice. Cenk would verbally sodomize Hill-Rove something awful.


  2. 40 says:

    Lets keep it real here…

    Hillary and her supporters need to stop baiting Barry-O into going negative. Why? Because this is a woman who with all her “experience” could not keep her from straying even when she was merely yards away. Now this would be a HRC approved attack if it was the other ways around with her throwing around Farrakhan and other Negroe issues to stir up the white folk and play the same fear tactics that G. Dubbz rocked with Terrorism.

    Also how can we depend on a person to reverse our economy when her own campaign is operating at a $10M deficit? Call BO a “Cult of Personality” but daddy knows how to get them dollars!!! So how can we depend on your fiscal acumen for this country when you’re in the hole just running for office? I’m just askin’…

    I could go on for days here but I’m responding from work. Let me just say I loathe Hil-LIE-ry Clinton. This woman lies about things she doesn’t have to whether is gunfire, votes on Iraq, or which part of the country she’s from . She’s now up to being Scranton raised, gun-bussing, Yankee fan by way of Arkansas, with a penchant for regional accents. (Watch how she loses that Western PA drawn out “a”in her speech now that PA is won.)

    Honestly if I’m gonna continue to catch hell at least I know what I’m getting with McCain and his status quo continuum. But this shape shifter HRC is the worst kind out there. I think we’ve all be fucked over personally by one of these “Everybody” muhfuckas who don’t have enough spine to be accepted as themselves so they morph and change so they can blend in. These people are the worst liabilites of all and this is what HRC is.

  3. ^ actually 40 you made a good point about Obama running a better campaign financially & strategically.

    As far as exec experience being the leader/CEO/HNIC (no Ballerina Prodigy) Obama Hill-Rove & McCain are all equal. None have ever been the leader of a big organization, like a Governor or CEO.

    The Pres. race is actually the largest organization any of the Pres. candidates have ever had to lead.

    Obama started with way less “brand equity” than Hill-Dog or McSame. To use “MBA PowerPoint engineer” lingo, Obama made the right “strategic decision” to “innovate” by focusing on the primaries & caucuses in all states, even small 99% whitey states like Idaho. Meanwhile Hill-Rove went with “typical industry” practice of focusing only on big states like NY/CA/TX, & overspending on douche campaign consultants/PowerPoint engineers like Mark Penn.

    From a business strategy & financial perspective, Obama definitely pwns Hill-Dog & McSame as a superior executive.

  4. 40 says:

    PS – Hillary keeps ballyhooing about how she can win the big states and BO can’t. Last I checked it was this kind of resting on your laurels rhetoric that cost the Dems the last elections. Sure they can win NY & CA but like the stupidity of the East Coast/West Coast rap beef there’s 48 other states out there…

  5. Amadeo says:

    Her talking points now are bullshit. Those people saying if their Dem doesn’t get in they’ll vote for McCain are LYING. Additionally how come no one brings up the fact that Obama isn’t just getting votes…he’s getting money and I bet a nice bit of it is from Independents who will vote for him in the general. Repubs want Hillary to win so bad their dicks are hard. How do I know? The master of strategery (Rove) says they want Obama. O hasn’t gone negative on Hil like they would and she’s already thrown everything at him, yet he continues to stay in the lead and cut down her lead in places that’s mostly based on brand name recognition.

    Oh yeah…I’m with you Dallas…I love how they projected her the winner after counting 3% of the vote…cause that’s certainly enough to tell.

  6. Vee says:

    Speaking of NYTimes, here’s an op-ed piece entitled The Low Road to Victory

    (Sorry if this is a re-post)

  7. Marvelous Mo says:

    ^^Also how can we depend on a person to reverse our economy when her own campaign is operating at a $10M deficit?

    Man I was thinking the same shit last night flicking the channel in the middle of her speech as she asked for donations to continue her run for office.

    Hillary’s wording the entire time she campaigned in PA were references to scare voters away from “Barack Hussein,” his Rev. Wright association, as well as his association to William Ayres.

    I’m all polled out. I’m going to watch my Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon DVD until fuckers decided who’s running this Democrat shit.

  8. Marvelous Mo says:

    ^^Her talking points now are bullshit. Those people saying if their Dem doesn’t get in they’ll vote for McCain are LYING.

    Word…There are more Hillary voters willing to vote Obama if Obama wins the nomination than Obama voters going to Hillary.

  9. Dart_Adams says:

    Make me wanna holler © Marvin Gaye

    I see you Mo! I’d comment on your latest blog entries but your blog won’t let me.


  10. Gee says:

    This has gone on long enough…Having to deal with BBC and CNN international to find the up to date information, thiis is all worthless! The Dems need to cancel Christmas right now and make a decision!

  11. Marvelous Mo says:

    Yo Dart!

    I was wondering wtf happened to you. I’m a hit you up on the gmail!

  12. Combat Jack says:

    ^”am so campaigned out that I don’t know if my brain will survive the trip to November.”


    Btw, been meaning to do this for awhile.


    Dallas Penn and Roland Martin (CNN Correspondent)


  13. the_dallas says:

    I HAAAAAAAAATE that dude. He’s one of those talking heads that doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.

  14. Combat Jack says:

    true, but that dont have nothing to do with the fact that yous two resemble.

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