POLITRICKS 2008: Scorched Earth Campaigning…


Mama said knock YOUUUU out…

If you ask me, the campaign of HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON has tarnished BILL CLINTON’s legacy as president. It has forced me to re-examine his corporate malfeasance acceptance. His handshakes and winked eyes towards trade abroad and his insane record for sending Black men to prison like it was band camp.

BILL CLINTON never seemed as slick or dishonest when he was in office. Now its more obvious how grimey he can get. Didn’t he and HRC boost some of the furnishings from the White House? Prah’lee for BILL to put on eBay so that he could put funds into his escort hooker PayPal account.

HRC sure could use that money now as her campaign sets the political landscape on fire like southern California.

On one hand HRC says that OBAAMA ain’t hardbody enough to be president because here she is putting her hands in his face and he hasn’t even slapped her yet. You already know that BILL would have been slapped HRC by now. Whenever HRC trotted out a social program and the Rethug congress threw that shit on the wall she would get a ‘Ho Sit Down’ from her husband.


Instead of simply just brushing the dirt off his shoulders, a ‘HO SIT DOWN‘ is what OBAAMA needs to give HILLARY CLINTON.

He needs to say, “Ho Sit Down! You is fucking up the Democratic party, and you know Black peoples love to get they leftwing party right”

Man. I wish OBAAMA talked like that all he time.

Although it would prah’lee mean that I was the only person that understood what he was saying.

And its not just a silly blogger like myself telling HRC that the time has come to fold up the tent. The CLINTON campaigns biggest financiers are starting to tighten their purses because she seems so desperate to win. Then HRC gets even more desperate and sullies the party even further. Girlboy TINA FEY can do only so much for HRC against the mulatto juggernaut named OBAAMA.

If HILLARY is determined to take this fight to the middle of August then she had better enlist a liteskin dynamo of her very own to combat OBAAMA’s audacity of optimism.

I’ve seen BeYONCE doing DirecTV commercials so she can’t be too expensive for the cash strapped CLINTON campaign.


12 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Scorched Earth Campaigning…”

  1. 40 says:

    As a Negroe-American striving to be a wealthy liberal (well more wealthy than liberal) the Post article is a pretty spot on summation of my feelings towards this scallywag. Plus its an interesting financial subtext to why HRC’s campaign is in the financial crapper.

    Since she was all but anointed as the Democratic candidate she got all her funding up front and received all the max donations ($2300) she could up front leaving her with this huge war chest to start out with and left her more than confident for what was to be a quick battle. Little did she know she was getting into and her well hath runneth dry having to lend herself money. All the while the average Barry-O donor gave on average $75-$100 allowing for his supporters to give multiple donations over the course of the campaign before hitting their $2300 max.

    This all says what? That HRC is now supporting “The Little Guy” and going “grassroots” and playing up all this Horton-esque Negrophobia because she’s used up all the money her “elitist” friends can give her. But since white is right she’s got them all sipping her Kool-Aid and getting the media to economically elevate all of the Barry-O supporters to this faux elite while she clamors for the “poor huddled masses”. What HRC doesn’t realize is that the $50 donor is more representative of the American middle, the college educated who still have to live at home or are barely getting by making $40,000+ a year and should be in a better place considering the tradition American financial blueprint. Who make too much to get help but still can’t get by under the current economic state. Because given the cost of living, the “poor” she so recently adores don’t have the $50 for gas or rice let alone giving to a campaign.

  2. Amadeo says:

    You ain’t alone… I keep hoping they’ll be debating and she’ll say some crazy shit to which he’ll respond, “Bitch!”…looks like he’s thinking it a lot. Funny thing is all his dirt is coming out via her…while he’s keeping it clean it gives the GOP a clean slate to throw dirt at.

    /\ Word to 40…if someone is making that much he would have to be supporting about 7 – 8 people to get some help from the Gov. Word to the Workforce Investment Act.

  3. Amadeo says:

    Let me clarify…if that was the household income it would take that many people before ANY of them could get help.

  4. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Just when I say enough Dallas Penn and choose to not read his posts anymore along comes “Ho, Sit Down”. and I am hopelessly addicted once again to the best blog on this small planet.
    Hillary, Billary, Clinton, Rodman, Arkansas, New York, Alabama, Driving Miss Daisy, Miss Anne or whatever her name is and wherever she comes from she feels she is ENTITLED to the presidency. Entitlement is NOT a cornerstone of the democratic process. Hopefully the voters will tell her what Obama in good taste cannot, “Bitch sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, all you are is a elitist, republican carpetbagger posing as a friend of the working class who is power hungry and soulless.” Ernie

  5. YoRapper says:

    hahah I love “ho sit down” via bossip.

  6. Dart_Adams says:

    Dear Mrs. Clinton, you’re fuckin’ up the game so bad we may not get the “good” ending. Please step aside before you fuck shit up for the Dems AGAIN. See the ’00 and ’04 Presidential Elections for reference.

    Please have a seat, Ms. Senator….over in the corner in the turned around chair.


  7. dubble13 says:

    Beyonce can’t work for Clinton. Her boo rides for Obama.

  8. excellent opinion article showing how the lamestream media plays the association game to Obama, not McSame of Hill-Rove


    keep reminding everyone you know about McCain’s “advisor” pastor Hagee, who McCain has not “denounced & rejected” like the MSM forced Obama to do to Wright. Hagee is infinitely more racist/bigoted than Wright, saying & “Hurricane Katrina happened because God punished N Orleans for its gay pride parade”, some type of “God wants to the US to kill the Arabs to bring about the end times” & other such nonsense. Totally biased unfair right-wing lamestream media.

    In other words, IOKIYAR (it’s ok if you’re ReThuglican)

  9. ho sit down says:

    that ho sit down pic has inspired me. truly. its how i feel everytime i see her face or hear her voice. i wish i had a boombox and could afford to follow her around constantly blasting that song.

  10. Doc says:

    i was listening to the radio last week & al sharpton was on there. he said bill said something to the effect of “even though you’re team barack, hillary will still be senator.” or something like that. i was like woooooooooooow (c) flavor flav

    i dont know if that was verbatim because i dont remember al being team barry- o, but i think that’s what he said.

  11. EloheemStar says:

    “If you ask me, the campaign of HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON has tarnished BILL CLINTON’s legacy as president. It has forced me to re-examine his corporate malfeasance acceptance. His handshakes and winked eyes towards trade abroad and his insane record for sending Black men to prison like it was band camp.”

    + BC did nothing to stop the mass murder/genocide in Rwanda.

    I die a little bit every time people refer to Slick Willy as the “First Black President’.


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