Where There’s Heat, There’s Smoke…

beasley chalmers

When two of my favorite friends leave comments on my drops that they don’t fux with sports unless I am writing about it I am tempted to only write about sports. So let’s stay on our basketball grizzly why don’t we?

The NBA was finally feeling itself again with the alleged victory of the Redeem Team at the Beijing Olympiad. I say alleged victory because I never saw any on the games on television. Were they even broadcast? At what time? For all we know that shit was some CGI hype by the Chinese, who have a vested interest in KOBE, LeBRON and everyone else who wears NIKE shoes since China produces them shits like children.

Finally the Association could put the sordid truth behind them that their games are ultimately rigged.

Then we get this story about Miami Heat rookies going in on the Mary Jane cigars. What?!? NBA players smoke marijuana?! Sorry mainstream media, but who the fuck cares?

Seriously, do you know how much money we are going to have to shoulder for this banking system meltdown bailout? And you want me to get upset because NBA kids are getting high? Sorry, but I am bereft emotionally right now from working two fucking full time jobs to keep my lights on.

The only thing I’m upset about is NOT having a pull or two of that PAT RILEY purple. [pause]

Here’s the big NBA story of the past week. Dallas Mav forward JOSH HOWARD is in a YouTube video where he exclaims that he doesn’t “celebrate the star-spangled banner because he is a Black.

What JOSH could have said is that everytime he hears the star spangled banner it makes him want to give away blankets laden with small pox to Native Americans. I’m sure some of his detractors can relate to that. I haven’t really considered this story as much as I should have because my mind is trying to wrap itself around the notion of a TEN TRILLION DOLLAR debt. FreeDarko.com nailed this tempest in a teacup like a BRYANT 15-footer…

A High-Tech Lynching, Or An Exercise in Verbal Disenfranchisement

For some historical perspective on America and the concerns of the mainstream media take a look at the Good Housekeeping article that has struck this traveling man’s attention.

jim crow

‘Nuff said.

2 Responses to “Where There’s Heat, There’s Smoke…”

  1. Vee says:

    It is kind of unsettling when you’re saying something privately out of a public forum and it becomes fodder for sports commentators to analyze and judge you by.

  2. The Maven says:

    The only patriotic thing I have displayed in my crib, are the starry ho shorts worn on the Wonder Woman action figure that DP sent me.

    I imagine that all the fukks complaining about J.H.’s “unpatriotic” opinion, have flags coming out their poopholes.

    Folks are always looking for a distraction…….worry about all this loot that the feds are fukking off, and printing, and fukking off some more. Leave these youngsters alone. A lot of people don’t get down with the Star Mangled Banner.

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