
Stand up if you ever spent your entire allowance on them “books”.

Print featuring Samuel L. Jackson – ‘Comic Books (intro)’

Print featuring Outasight – ‘Official’

8 Responses to “FANBOYZ UNITE!”

  1. ImWithIt says:

    Pretty Orginal. A new Spawn movie or an Avengers movie would be the shit. Speaking of comics tho, whose seen these new Reebok Wonder Woman shoes? Yea they’re for men. I wouldnt rock a pair myself, but without a doubt display em.

  2. Grand Master says:

    best deal ever was that the good ol LCBS (Local Comic Book Store for those not in the know) throughout my entire childhood had this deal… all these outdated, unneeded, or real common issues were thrown into long bins under the regular back issue files, and you could fill a small packing box for $20 (later $25 as the economy got effed the eff up). a good Saturday night for me was 2-3 hours spent flipping thru every single cheap copy back issue and rolling home for 8-10 hours of reading over the next few days… chea!

  3. john says:

    i still spend on them books even with debt chaining me hard! priorities misaligned at best.

    newest ones i’m checking are alex ross’ project superpowers. nice story, dope old characters, but no negroes (as usual)

  4. dubble13 says:

    Best thing I could have ever done when I was 14 was to spend all my hard-earned cash on back issues of Spidey and the Avengers, and bag them all up. Now I just have to sell them 20yrs later.

  5. $ykotic Don McCaine says:

    You don’t even know DP. I had a fire that stole all of my comic book gold and baseball cards in 2006. And most of my 33’s, 45’s & 78’s.

    I’m talking #1’s and series that can never be retrieved. In plastics. Fresh to death. That was my retirement fund. I would spend slow Saturday’s with some Haagen Daz Vanilla Swiss Almond and revist my treasure.


  6. the_dallas says:

    $yk DMc,
    I feel you[ll], but I learned the hard way that getting money from someone for your books was next to impossible.

    For me it was the world that I was transported to that made me love the books so much. It was a just place that even though there were supervillains bent on the destruction of the planet it still wasn’t as fucked the fuck up as my own reality.

  7. King Elz says:

    I camped out for Wolverine #50 with the slahed cover & for Gambit #1.

    I was building a large collection until my mom decided to clean up while i was on vacation 🙁

  8. ImWithIt says:

    Those reebok wonder womans are only for women. Thankfully. They prolly look sexy as hell on the right girls. I would still consider displaying them if i had extra gwopington and needed some art in my cribo

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