wtt smh

The Watch The Throne album is like drugs to some people who haven’t seen the world yet, and to others who know what drugs do its message tastes like poison.

9 Responses to “SMH…”

  1. Krashone says:

    Poison indeed!!!

  2. i can only replay 5 songs out 16 from the entire album. I expected a much more from Hip Hop’s Elite megastars.

    I get what chuck D is saying though. How many times can JayZ talk about watches? And who really wants to hear Kanye complaining and rapping about the problems of being wealthy? I heard that they made this album 3 times over before it was ready for release. i bet the 1st effort was better than what was released. What Happened to the Qtip produced songs? This album is leading to so many questions…

  3. Perfect summation. Its amazing the lengths people are going to validate this shit with quotes like “Black pride wrapped in Maybach imagery”. Shit is hella delusional. At a time where unemployment and disenfranchisement is at an all time high amongst black men as Nas said with such eloquent smugness “These are our heroes”. The biggest joke I heard about this drivel is “This is the ultimate rebellious rap pose, while the world economy tanks these guys brilliantly shove their wealth in its face.”

    Fuck these niggas and those who are broke and in debt and unemployed and think this shit is OK. I’m too busy watching my back to watch someone’s throne….

  4. nerditry says:

    I heard Otis on the radio last weekend. I was genuinely offended by its content.

    You start to notice as most musicians get older that their releases become part parody of their most memorable work, crossed with the least interesting parts of whatever is hot at that moment.

    Otis sounded like Jay/Ye went to a ghostwriter and had them write a song as if those two were the ones putting words to paper. It’s generic, someone else’s idea of their luxury label rap. It’s sad really.

    But as I posted on Brother Ernie’s FB wall, maybe Jay was just pouring out all that champagne in memory of when he put out a respectable album…

  5. Lion XL says:

    Haven’t checked the album..probably won’t either…don’t get me I a big Jay supporter (Brooklyn BABY!), but I am less than impressed…I don’t get ‘OTIS’…. Busta’s and DMX’s drug induced version is more interesting

  6. king blair says:

    I loved the album I listen to a album for quality an escapism not to dwell on life bs niggas mad at this are butt hurt suckers cuz this nigga been rapping like this for 20 years gtfoh

  7. Brahsef says:

    Sounds like ya’ll were expectin a Nas album instead of a Jay album. Offended by Otis? Pull up your skirt seriously, it’s rap…people gonna boast. I would say Jay’s never rapped about the blight of others minus a few lines here and there.

    Even Reasonable Doubt, while all gritty street tales, was all about Jay-Z.

  8. I have a problem that i can admit too.. I’m always expecting to hear Reasonable Doubt, Life Times and BP1 type albums from JayZ. I know these albums will never happen again but i cant help expecting that.

    Otis is dope by the way…. thats what reeled me into buying this awful album.

  9. jremond says:

    ^nail on the head. Otis is fly, the rest not so much. In fact I turned the CD off before i even got to hear Otis it was so trash.

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