sunni slap

This is just a little reminder to all of those Shia insurgents that are still stuck on stupid.

Sunni forces are running this Iraq shit!

6 Responses to “KUFI SLAP SUNDAYS”

  1. mcarroll4716 says:

    They ain’t just slappin’ kufi’s over there….They crackin’ heads:


    “Making all that racket I got the U.S. Open”

  2. Tony says:

    I’m torn, it’s one of the few examples of a minority community placing a priority on self determination yet I’ve been brainwashed by Western media into believing that Arab deaths don’t count. Anybody know when they are handing back the keys to Saddam? These gas prices are terrorizing me.

  3. the_dallas says:

    Tony, I am cosigning you for life, no brokeback of course.

  4. Vik says:

    damn, tony. that was a brilliant insight.

    i concur.

  5. I don’t know if the Sunnis are self-determined, rather than they miss the power of genocide they had under Saddam.

    I am personally happy to see Sunnis suffer as the Shites get the years of revenge.

    By the way, that picture rules the internet.

  6. pencilneck says:

    That picture looks like it was taken in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Look at the hat.

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