JOE LIEBERMAN: With Friends Like These…


Politricks makes for strange bedfellows is never more transparent the closer you get to November. There is hell of jockeying going on down on the Beltway as people try to save their political ambitions from the hands of a fickle voting public. Connecticut’s JOE LIEBERMAN is one of the first big names to get bumped off his post. DICK ‘They shootin’! Ha, made you look’ CHENEY has rushed to his side to defend his record in the Senate. Uhhh, thanks DICK, but no thanks.

It’s finally trickling down that the American public is fed up with all this talk of war abroad when we are looking at a significant downturn of the economy and our own domestic way of life. Connecticut in particular has seen crime skyrocket in towns like Hartford and New Haven. LIEBERMAN wasn’t aided much by his reputation as a pro-Israel policymaker. Many are blaming our invasion of Iraq as something that was brokered between the White House and Tel Aviv. I don’t necessarily agree with that because I know that supremacy would have scheduled the Iraqi occupation sooner or later. There’s oil in them thar hills, nah’mean?!?

The upcoming primaries will give us a hint to the future. Is this the first sign for a major shift in policymakers down on the Beltway or is JOE just the sacrificial lamb for the masses? With friends like DICK and GEORGE you may never need an enemy.

One Response to “JOE LIEBERMAN: With Friends Like These…”

  1. sangano says:

    the end times are coming…the end games are here.

    the exploitation of races is now a thing of the past….mankind is up on the chopping block now.

    rep your hoods niggas, before theres no hoods left

    say your prayers

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