making gif

Why do I keep killing my body to keep this blog populated? What is it that I can’t go to sleep because I feel like the world needs my fanboy videos? That has to be some form of insanity, possibly acute narcissism. I mean, yeah, people like the videos, but when I die who the fux would care? It doesn’t stop, but I will one day.

That’s why I’m fuxing with this Nike Fuel Band to get me hype for getting myself healthy. I want to do whatever it takes to keep my streak going of daily goals met. It’s a small victory for me since I feel like everything else I’m working on is stuck in a stalemate. At least I can look to my wrist at the end of the day and see the flashing ‘GOAL’ lights.

This is the magic of the Nike mythos of self-empowerment thru rampant consumerism. I spend therefore I am. You should see how morose I become when I can’t spend shit because my account is overdrawn.

*looks down at wrist*

3 Responses to “GOALTRENDING…”

  1. Petey Carcass says:

    I have no hesitation recommending a Withings scale for pretty much the same reason, being able to measure the amount of body-fat vs. lean mass and being able to actually see what’s going on inside of your body increases the motivation to work-out humungously.

    I might’ve written this just to get a chance to use the word “humungously” in a sentense. Mission accomplished.

  2. VEe! says:

    Amusing post. Personal metrics can become very addictive.

  3. I see the Jewlz fam #Gratitude

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