650,000 Reasons To Vote Tomorrow…

vote or die

Can you believe that the total death count in Iraq has almost exceeded three quarters of a million people?!? While I’m on this side bitching about the price for a gallon of hi-test Iraqi families have been taking it up the ‘a’ on some wholesale shiite. The worst part of that news is that we are viewed by the native Iraqi people as an oppressor and this only pushes the tense situation past the breaking point.

With SADDAM convicted of war crimes I wonder what the mood will be on the streets of Baghdad. I don’t think the Iraq people are ready to ‘shoulder lean’ just yet because there is still the 800lb white elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. As an invader and an occupying force we have been directly responsible for more dead Iraqis than even SADDAM HUSSEIN when he was the ‘Butcher of Baghdad’.

Who was dumb enough to tell the people of the united States that we would be welcome in that region with open arms? Better still, who was dumb enough to believe them? While we have the quiz game blowin’ through here I thought I’d find out from you people who you think gets the the ceremonial GOP ‘We’re in control’ axe. Tons of fools are clamoring for DON RUMSFELD, but that’s three years and 3500 American lives too late.

I don’t count the 3,500 American lives more than anyone else who was slaughtered in the desert for EXXONMOBIL’s profit margin. This invasion was just plain wrong and we are seeing our humanity challenged by the devil when we decide that the job over there still isn’t done. That is what’s on the the ballot tomorrow – your humanity and your soul. It’s time to end the money driven murder and bring our family members back home.

7 Responses to “650,000 Reasons To Vote Tomorrow…”

  1. ELOHEEM STAR says:

    650,000 dead has to have directly affected millions of people. This election shouldn’t even be close; the dumbocrats should easily take the house and the senate. The direction this country is going is disgusting, Americans republican or democrat need to stand up tomorrow with their votes and tell those lying bastards enough is enough!!!

    Realistically Americans will probably go for the same old bullshit.

  2. Guy Real says:

    I just heard a quote, that If it was all about blood for Oil Gas prices would be lower, so its really blood for no oil. I though that was interesting

  3. 40 Dawg aka "Mr. Bungle" says:

    Spot on brother… Spot on. This even made the family discussion at “The Brewery” over Mom’s cooking. But I’d like to increase that number even more… Lets add on the current two million people behind bars which is disproportionately comprised of folks of color. Lets add on the millions of the disenfranchised “ex-cons” who lost their right to vote also. My old man remarked that –

    “The black vote has been completely destroyed for your generation due to incarceration and apathy. You’ve been systematically disenfranchised as my generation dies off and leaves it in your hands. Your average politician will now solicit votes from those who don’t even speak the language because of the unfortunate demise of your generation. So all of you who can you better vote. You’re voting not only for yourself but for all of those who lost their right to over some bullshit. This ain’t 1806, or even 1906. You better appreciate and respect what your ancestors wished and died for, because at this rate you’re not even gonna matter to these people…”

    Harsh, and maybe a little extreme but I’m gonna go with the older god before Diddy shuffles me to the booth to pull the lever after bilking me for a $50 t-shirt. Vote or Die always seemed a little extreme but “Vote or Become Extinct” may be not to far off….


  4. Amadeo says:

    So if I take a little long in getting back to the office does that make me a bad person…I mean I did vote.

  5. 911 says:

    This shall fall on deaf ears DP….America as we know it has become jaded beyond……..do you remember what it was like when things were swell……these things have been going on for a while I wonder did we just wake up.

  6. quantelo says:

    word to dallas, and i believe you’re wrong 911.

    every survey in the past few weeks says that tomorrow’s election will have the highest percentage of young voters ever for a mid-term election. while much of the nation sits and drinks the kool-aid, tomorrows leaders (read: me and a whole lot of others) have been paying attention.

  7. Candice says:

    Voted this morning and I hope everyone else does too. We have to stand up and although many of the candidates on BOTH sides are shifty as f*ck….Vote to get the current administration out.

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