Respect The Newmanati…


Bryan Singer, the director of the new X-Men movie ‘Days Of Future Past’ is part of the #Newmanati

I got the link to this video right here and it changed my world. I want to do work this great. The only choice I have is TO DO work this great.

MOUSETRAP from The Carte Blanche Agency on Vimeo.

I’m about to turn my levels up.

Speaking of turning up… The Throne performs ‘Niggas In Paris’

Jay-Z & Kanye West – Niggas in Paris from SkyKingsTV on Vimeo.


4 Responses to “Respect The Newmanati…”

  1. DirtyJerz says:

    Dallas! This video treatment is AWESOME. I’m on my video production suit these I’m looking to get some things in motion

  2. the_dallas says:

    Don’t look to try anything. JUST DO IT!

  3. VEe! says:

    YO! That’s “Black Bullshit, Crappers, Fanboy Ish, Ghetto Celebs, Nerditry, Ninjas, Pirate Radio Podcast, Straight Laced” all in one!

    I enjoyed that piece!

  4. BIGNAT says:

    that video was something else. i want a robe like that. that shit is so gaudy

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