Real talk is that I created this drop in December… Damn, time flies. Get your exemptions right party people. They don’t have internet access in the pen.
Real talk is that I created this drop in December… Damn, time flies. Get your exemptions right party people. They don’t have internet access in the pen.
Heeeeeeeeey! i have negative income…how am I supposed to pay taxes?
Arrest the President!
Tthe gov’t doesn’t even let you claim “exempt” anymore, even if you are a full time student!
I now see why we have Unibombers and such…the gov’t need to mind their business…
oh yeah, that’s right…their business is getting into ours and making sure that we finance whatever’s clever…wars…corporate welfare…payoffs, etc.
Mmmmmmmmm Dallas- you sure do come up with some thought provoking ish early in the morning!
(Can I get that in long form some time soon?)
Throwback joint of the day and my dedication to you is:
Early in the Morning by the Gap Band
hell, while i’m at it….Easy by The Commodores as well.
Have a Super Sunday!
Sunday morning = Kool’s Summer Madness
The taxman cometh…………and the taxman taketh away!
I never even noticed that before. So simple yet so true.
Ain’t that some ish. It’s the straight truth. I ended up owing money this year!
Common looks like a little kid about to shit in his church clothes