U.S. Still Drunk Off That CHENEY Kool-Aid…

cheney kool aid

This week SCOOTER LIBBY will be going to trial for lying about his complicit role in the classified information leak of the CIA agent, VALERIE PLAME. What is disturbing to people with common sense is why the Feds haven’t charged people for the leak of classified info instead of charging them with the cover-up. They wouldn’t have needed to cover anything up if they hadn’t committed the crime in the first place.

There was so much wild business that led to the build up of the Iraq invasion. There was the bogus intelligence reports that COLIN POWELL sold to Congress like the carpetbagger he was. MAMMY! MAMMY!

There was the mainstream media machine walking in robotic lockstep with the Administration and when anyone dared to ask a question or demand real evidence there was the neocon apparatus that uses any means necessary to bring you to your knees.

There was no way in hot hell that this Iraq debacle wasn’t going to pop off. You do remember that the BUSH family is heavily invested in petroleum production? Okay, okay, my badd we said all that already.

Did anybody peep this item on the newsreel about more privacy fuckery from the Administration? Your phone calls, e-mail, snail mail and bank records are all available for data mining inspection in an effort to protect us from the terrorists. This is why I pay for my porn with cash. I hope while the neocons are poring over all of my late payments and bounced checks they decide to slide me some of that sweet environmental lobbyist scrilla.

The good thing about me being a poor person is the fact that I will be returning that money directly back to the economy via cheap booze and hookers. I’ll prah’lee even buy myself some JIM JONES Guyana flavored Cherry Kool-Aid. Just in case…

red kool aid

6 Responses to “U.S. Still Drunk Off That CHENEY Kool-Aid…”

  1. FaTBoY says:

    Listen up everybody, its 2007. Which means that from now until the 2008 elections, shit gon be rough. Bush is in the process of cementing his legacy.

    Since the year 2000, when he took office we’ve seen things no generation before us has ever seen. And guess what, he was at the driver’s seat. So when THEY write the history books they’ll tell HIS/STORY. Which means he’ll get all the credit for all the things the goverment did after the fact during this historical period. And none of the blame.

    September 11, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, the capture of Saddam Hussien, the devastation in the Gulf Coast from Hurricane Katrina, the trial and exceution of Saddam Hussien, and now the additional 20,000 troop in Iraq.

    We’ll just have to wait to see what comes next. But best believe that Bush is gonna be very busy trying to add more accomplishments to his resume before the end of his second term.

  2. the_dallas says:

    ^accomplishments!?! Like ‘Mission Accomplished?

  3. Eloheem Star says:

    1. Record profits for oil companies- Check

    2. Settle score with Saddam for trying to kill my daddy – Check

    3. Solidify my spot as the next TV star evangelical for religious right – Check

    4. Show up daddy’s favorite son Jeb – Check

    5. Send world in to armagedon – still pending

    Though G Dub’s national approval rating is in the crapper he has nearly completed evertything on his things to do when I grow up list.

  4. Amadeo says:

    It’s gonna be a wild ride. Can’t we get like Che` via internet or a Geronimo of protests? I guess all the modern day versions of those guys got good jobs and aren’t pressed.

  5. Tiffany says:

    Nice list E!
    You know, I was watching dude on television yesterday and he was asked how he felt about his approval ratings. I swear he may as well said, “I don’t care!”, stomped his feet, and walked off because that’s the impression I got. He said he doesn’t let it bother him because he’s got a job to do!

  6. the_dallas says:

    ^yeah I peeped the ’60 Mins’ interview as well. He’s doesn’t care if he’s an idiot as long as he remains an idiot and doesn’t change. The American people don’t like change.

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