It’s A Brand New Day At XXL…


BILLY SUNDAY is off the park bench and into the blogroll at XXL.

Be warned: rap bloggers are taking over the world.

8 Responses to “It’s A Brand New Day At XXL…”

  1. Robbie says:

    So far this is the Best Week Evah for rap bloggers….click click…salute!

  2. Unruly B says:

    That’s what’s up!!! 😀

  3. RD says:

    dammmn Dallas, you running like a mother with that baton in your hand lol….keep it up homie

  4. jerome says:

    Keep doin the damn thing….Foams this week!!

  5. thatwhitedude says:

    congrats! that’s big news!

  6. Nigeria says:

    Might check xxl more often.

  7. Tony says:

    Fuck Yes. That is all I have to say on the subject.

  8. esbee says:

    Ayo congrats Billy!!!

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