
Iraqi violence opreates on some bizarro world workday schedule. It’s like suicide bombers take the weekends off, but then they punch their alarm clocks first thing Monday morning.

What’s fucked the fuck up is that if you are making coffins in Baghdad you are making a grip of scrilla right now.

What’s even more fucked the fuck up is that no one knows exactly how many people have been offed since we decided to liberate Iraq. We do know that more Iraqis have been killed than during SADDAM’s regime. That is some hell’a wicked irony if you think about it considering he was put on trial for just that.

Shiite will be getting worse before it gets better but if there’s ever a silver lining inside the destruction of human life it’s that technological advances are spawned. I’m thinking there needs to be advances made in the biodegradation of coffins and maybe even some new materials need to be harnessed to that end. Something that the sand will easily and readily absorb.

If there aren’t any dead bodies left to count, did those people truly ever live?


  1. Vee says:

    Sad, who ever takes office in 2008 will not be to pull out the troops immediately. It will be a long, drawn out process. The U.S. might eventually have to answer in some way for its occupation/invasion/liberation of Iraq.

  2. Nigeria says:

    ”Shiite will be getting worse before it gets better but if there’s ever a silver lining inside the destruction of human life it’s that technological advances are spawned.”

    I shouldn’t laugh at that opening line, but that was damn funny.

  3. Eloheem Star says:

    The proposed increase in troop levels in Iraq are the prelude to the withdrawl. The us military is going to clear out some key hostile areas excelerate the training of Iraqi troops and then cut out. Haliburton and other big business no bid companies have already caked up.

  4. Candice says:

    It does seem like they get back to work every Monday. Just sad that we will continue to lose lives on both sides and there is no real end in sight.

  5. Amadeo says:

    Damn…if we would get some minerals (cajones) and bring this jerk down to earth. What happened to the youthful vigor of college students? Oh I forgot…they’re all shook that they won’t have a job when they graduate. Makes me wonder what folks used to learn that they don’t anymore.

  6. EReal says:

    Ploiticly Inccorectly LMFAO @ “Shiite will be getting worse before it gets better ”

    “What’s even more fucked the fuck up is that no one knows exactly how many people have been offed since we decided to liberate Iraq. ”

    It’s the ultimate liberation, think about it. You’re liberated right off into heaven with Alla and your 7 virgins. We did them all a favor. As soon as we leave Iran is gonna take that whole country anyway, then we can accelerate our war against Iran and eventually turn the entire middle east into one big coke bottle. If you get my meaning. Sad but true, dont say I didnt tell ya.

    1 hunned.

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