
NaS’ baby mama only wishes she had more to sell tell…

I will assume that most of you found the time to see 60 Minutes absurd report of the “Stop Snitching Culture” that seems to be pervasive within the disenfranchised center city communities. I call the report absurd because that is where you should file the information – theater of the absurd. Media outlets, acting like sharks sensing blood, have begun their multi-tiered attack on Hip-Hop by positing that the notion of criminal acceptability begins from the mouths of rappers. There is plenty of nonsence that rappers do perpetuate on a daily basis and the least of which I will consider is the idea that cooperating with police is a crime against the ‘hood.

In fact, that idea begins and ends inside of police precincts that have used tactics such as ‘Hell Night’ to wage a war of terror on poor communities since whenever supremacy wants to. The truth is this… From the time of bootlegging alcohol to illegal numbers up until the narcotics epidemics, the police have been an important conduit to perpetuating and regulating these illicit trades. LARRY DAVIS was almost assassinated when he decided that he would no longer be a street level dealer for the Bronx police precinct that ran his neighborhood. It is a police force that monitors these narcotics traffickers that has the center city residents in fear.

These police were allowed to kick in the door of an elderly women named ELEANOR BUMPURS and shoot her to death all because she filed a telephone complaint against harassing drug dealers in her housing project. This is the reason that the ‘hood has been told to stop snitching. Because nothing, but nothing, is going to be allowed to fuck up the police’s money machine. BTW, you won’t ever see something this real on ‘The Wire’.

Snitching is certainly admonished in rap music today, but is actually practiced quite often by some of the genre’s most prolific personalities.

  • FISTY SCENT turns states’ witness against KENNETH ‘Supreme’ McGRIFF
  • LIL’ WAYNE is the biggest snitch in the rap game
  • CAM’RON talks to police about his beating incident at Rucker Park
  • BUSTA RHYMES goes to the police about his violent B.M. (babies’ momma)
  • It looks to me like these artists have been reading this website more than they would like to admit…

    *Shouts to BOL for some of the above links


    1. I Fux says:

      First Bitches………..M1 was on some Fox News Last night talking about said Cam’s interview………..Eskay has it up

    2. Candice says:

      Any credible news source that selects Camron to report out on the state of anything in HIP HOP needs the official “HOE SIT DOWN”.

    3. Candice says:

      And is Carmen wearing some Mardi Gras beads and an I LOVE NY Wig/Weave in that flick? HAM of the Day.

    4. Combat Jack says:

      I’m not mad about the No Snitch campaign. Sheet, if Cam’ron moved next door to me, I’d prolly move.

    5. Amadeo says:

      I love how this is the source: How many people in every generation have been told that “No one likes a tattle tale”? I guess rappers invented guns and drugs too.

      Snitching is a rite of passage even mobsters do it.

    6. FaTBoY says:

      Did he just say first!?!

      All the press about snitching and violence in hip hop is just a deversion. But It won’t matter much longer people. Cuz there is gonna be a full fledge assualt aganist hip hop.

      You got Russell saying he wants nigga, bitch, and hoe edited out of music. Are you fucking serious?! That’s how it is… after you made fucking millions of dollars off rappers using those very words.

      Here’s a few examples:

      You a Hoe: Ludacris

      Money Cash Hoes: Jay-Z ( who was a artist on def jam at the time)
      Oh wait…. he still is.
      Move Bitch : Ludacris

      Nigga What Nigga Who: Jay-Z

      Aint No Nigga: Jay-Z

      What These Bitches Want: DMX

      Not to mention Russell saying that Donald Trump was his “nigga”.

      But now because of the Don Imus backlash, Rev Run’s older brother wanna flip flop.

      This nigga Russell is just like Bill Cosby. At the height of his fame, when he had the Cosby show and A different world on the air and he was running around selling pudding pops and shit you never heard him mention the problems affecting the black community. That was the time when he should have stepped up.

      See the problem with these two, is that they chose a time to speak out when it was convenient for them. After making all the money they could while playing both sides of the fence.

      The reason why this is so troubling is because they got a legend like Russell attempting to censor an artform that he was such an intergal part in helping it become so large.

    7. I Fux says:

      ^Co-Sign Fatboy and Fuck Bill Cosby(c) Richard Pryor the Goat ………….speaking of comedy anybody got a link to the new Paul Mooney Dvd ………..

    8. twerkolator says:

      i like how you got another dig in about “the Wire” (even though i disagree)…

      will we ever get a post dedicated solely to “the wire”?

    9. Eloheem Star says:

      Hustle Simmons doesn’t care about Hip Hop. The dollar is his god. Rev Run is not any better….Did anybody peep the shameless exploitation of the loss of there baby? Maybe its just me. The media knows who to get to solidify there opinon on the negative nature in “Hip Hop” music and culture.

    10. I Fux says:

      Dallas Check your Email, I got you, No Erykah Badu

    11. the_dallas says:

      ^ good looking Brooklyn

    12. 40 says:

      You know whats funny about the “No Snitching” Generation that lives life through Urban Action Music these kids want it both ways. They laud the exploits of the thug minstrelsy yet admonish the people that have paid the ultimate price (either their life or life in jail) so that the niggerazzi can have fun living the Trap Life rehashing the tales of the real people who came before them. So sit there and listen to kids big up the Curtis Jacksons of the world with their reprocussionless criminal lifestyle and then denigrate the likes of a Kenneth McGriff (“He’s a bad man” – Curtis Jackson in XXL) is insane. It shows the dastardly twisted thinking that has millions jerking off to faux crimes and not realizing the seriousness of the perpetuation of this behavior whether its running around with your doo-rag too tight or Paris Hilton playfully enjoying her “nigger” moment. We have the Curtises, the Jeezys, the “Growing Up Gotti” shows that merely extoll the spoils of their exploits and there for never demonized like the 80’s kingpins and mafiosi they so want to be. I think we need more from Irv Gotti at this time. He was definitely “scared straight” and I thing had too close a call of what happens when these worlds collide and it ain’t all entertainment. But as long as rappers and those associated with it can create mayhem, and also be a victim of mayhem with out any threat of reprocussion this behavior will continue. This has nothing to do with “Not Snitching” but more akin to “When Keeping It Real Goes (Dangerously) Wrong.” and the line between Urban Action Rap and Urban Reality grows increasingly blurred and you have situations like we had before and cities like Philly who are experiencing homicide rates similar to small country wars.

      Accountability for our ways and actions have been lost on this generation, its either “mama ain’t love me”, “the label didn’t push me”, “I’m keeping it real” and all these other canned nigger responses that absolves everyone of everything. As long as we keep using the victim defense we will never be able to empower ourselves because its never our fault or the crestfallen cries of “what do you want us to do?” Well in the words of Alprentice “Bunchy” Carter:


      The Messiah ain’t coming no matter how much Snoop, Jim Jones, Al Sharpton, and Katt Williams make their hair look like Jesus.

    13. 40 you hit the nail on the MF’ing head.

      Hip-hop needs the heat.

      Dallas you can’t call out Lil Wayne and then be mad now that the old white people are bringing the heat on anti Snitch rap.

      (c)rap needs all the heat it can get.

    14. the_dallas says:

      I ain’t mad that cRap music is getting fire put to it’s feet, but I also see the bigger, bigger picture. After rap has been torched when will the people that own the plantation get burned?

    15. prynsex says:

      Tell me she is not serious about that eye make-up and that horrid crushed velvet couch cover, she attempted to try and pass off as a shirt. Gold Mardi Gras beads (as previously stated) and her grandmother’s pearl earrings!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF

      What, I guess all the laying on her back and late nights of writing and re-writing the tell all just did pay as much as she’d hope!

    16. Lion XL says:

      Damn…I didn’t like that M1 interview too much, it seemed a little condescending. BUT, M1 also sounded real stupid. Snitchin, as it it is being portrayed now is akin to mental slavery. People are more scared of being called a snitch, sellout, or whatever and the fear of retribution more than they are of the crime in the street. Thats a problem.

      We allow people in our community to commit crimes on daily basis and nothing to stop them. Then when the police use excessive violence to quiet down the excessive crime, we get upset and hold marches of protest. Now I do not condone/cosign/agree with those police tactics, but guess what the police are just as scared of the excessive crime as we are. I we are above helping them to help us, then they feel it’s okay to flip the fuck out.

      We can’t have it both ways. We can’t expect crime to go down with out the police. BUt we also shouldn’t be afraid that police are going to assassinate our loved ones if the stars don’t align properly.

    17. jen says:

      On Nas’s ex gf: that ho looks terrible.

    18. Fbombs says:

      ^^on point and well written XL..

      M1 did keep dropping ‘the supremacy’ and ‘the oppressor’ as a substitute for making valid points at times during the interview (although i was amused). It’s FauxNews, so condescending diatribe is nothing new. Negative points for cosigning anything Killa Coon Giles says on TV for M1.

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