Girl, You Make Me Better…


This past weekend was my third anniversary with C.S. Well, not actually my third anniversary as her boyfriend, but the third anniversary of me meeting her in a club on Friday, and then at the museum on Saturday, and then at my girl KEITA’s barbecue on Sunday (she can front if she wants, but y’all know that chick was stalking me!?!).

What’s funny is that it feels like I’ve known her much longer than only 36 months. In this short time I’ve been able to find someone who is a committed activist, an artist, and a generous spirit. She’s also the most intelligent woman that I have ever encountered. Her skill is in deftly allowing me to think that I sit in the driver’s seat. I play that role of long suffering husband so well I need to just marry this woman already.

What do you folks think? Is it time for me to finally start breeding?


31 Responses to “Girl, You Make Me Better…”

  1. miss ahmad says:

    Marry her! I don’t know her, but i know that you love her and we all know that love is much more valuable than gold. marry her like a real republican would and get your dual income on!!

  2. dubble13 says:

    I would say “go for it”, but the real Q for you is this: have you lived with her for any extended period of time as yet? Things may be all gravy if you have your own pad, but when you live together the “eccentricities” may become annoying (on either of y’alls behalf). Food for thought…
    Good luck!

  3. Candice says:

    I think you already know the answer to this question Mr. Penn.

  4. alex2.0 says:

    go get the ring! and i’ll be sure to send your 1st born a Dolphins bib and onesie.

  5. Tiffany says:

    Yeah, who’s gonna keep this website (assuming there are still websites)going many years from now?!?

    The breeding will allow you to pass on your knowledge, stories, and legacy! Get to Vegas ASAP and then get busy!!!!

  6. Amadeo says:

    Marriage is what it all breaks down to…and coming up with names that while unique, will not get your childrens job applications thrown away.

  7. p-city says:

    You know the answer, D.

  8. miss ahmad says:

    wait hold on!! is your boy wearing one of those low jacks on his ankles??

  9. Candice says:

    Miss A….yes he is.

  10. Combat Jack says:

    Dude, you know my position on this. After 10 joints being married and after having three boys (aged 10, 9 and 5) with another baby due any day now, I can tell you that it ain’t easy. However, (and D, you’ve seen me and fam in action in public), when shit is tight and every effin member of the CJ clan is happy, ain’t no thing better than being a strong Black man holding it down for the family. Media can shit on brothers all the fucks they wants, but every day that I keep fam numero uno, I shits back on ’em and all other negative stereotypes. Plus, even though new poon looks tastier than old poon (ala Chris Rock), new poon can’t cook! Sheet, new poon can’t SPEAK proper!!!! At this point, I would feel like an effin dick having a failed marriage while some white french dude is raising my duns. Plus, plus, plus, YOU KNOW we will wild the eff out at the Batchelor party and the effin Wedding party!!!! Sheet, you might very well be the first ever to have the Internets Celebrity Marriage on smash. I’m for that!

    PLUS, wifey being 1/2 chinamen has the CRAZIEST hook up on the illest engagement rings down on Canal Street. Chocloate snowflake will be rocking the fattest rock on about a 1/8th of what she’ll think you spent. I got you on that one mayne! Word.

  11. There’s no point to marriage…none at all. If you’re doin good now then why get married? You don’t need to be married to breed.

  12. thoreauly77 says:

    marriage is strange. sometimes i think it is important, and other times i think it’s whole “legally binding” aspect is just stupid. dallas, you believe in god, so why not just have a minister let you exchange vows and be married in the eyes of god, and not under the gaze of big brother?

    who knows though? do what you think it right man.

  13. Combat Jack says:


    I used to think the same thing until I saw one of homies’ moms pass away of cancer a few years back. The deceased was married to her husband for over 30 years and the bond they demonstatrated, the connection they exhibited during her last moments was GOLDEN. I vowed that I would work my ass off to create such a bond with my ole’ lady. I’ve also seen the opposite, where old cats die with no one in their lives, on account of how they had fucked up marriages and wasn’t fathers to their offspring. Yo, family is all we got people! Make it happen or we’re effin done!

  14. 40 says:

    Go for it D, so you can have a boy and girl named Ralph and Lauren Penn.

    Honestly I think marriage is something you either do when you’re young and dumb and grow up together, or when your old enough to know and understand yourself and the (hopefully) eternal bond you’re gonna have with that woman in your life. Seems like you found your female best friend and if you can’t have that in your life forever than whats it all for? Just as long as it doesn’t interfere with what goes on here at I’m fine with it.

  15. 40 says:

    Ayo CJ – I’m gonna need to holler at that Canal connection at some point!

  16. LM says:

    (Got to get to know CJ.)

    “Just as long as it doesn’t interfere with what goes on here at I’m fine with it.” — 40… THAT’S CELEBRITY, DP.

    You don’t ask this question without knowing the answer. Just make sure I’m not playing handball that day, ’cause you know I’m gettin’ serious.

  17. geneva_jones says:

    The real question is: will she have you?

  18. Big Homie says:

    Just do it (No Nike)

  19. Ummmmmm *queus International Players song* *proceeds to bump* …….. I dont know DP sometimes a girl needs that ring but I myself no longer believe in Marriage and wont ever do it unless the girl I am with and love tells me she needs that to feel complete … Its up to you homie

  20. P-Matik says:

    Did they have those shrimp kabobs on the grill at Keita’s spot this year?

  21. Meka Soul says:

    >What do you folks think? Is it time for me to finally start breeding?>

    not if she got you lookin’ like duke up there. kidding, of course.

    ah, the life of a lonely blogger…

  22. Family is pricesless mayne. If everything is lovely, be fruitful and mulitply.

  23. omegaSB says:

    make babies 07′

  24. Michele says:

    Marry that girl! I love when you write about C.S.. Your love for her comes through in your writing.

  25. EMBRY says:

    AWWWWWWWW. Dallas is in LOVE. Counting the months that you’ve known her. Itinnat Sweet.

  26. Eloheem Star says:

    The merging of mind, body & soul is a beautiful thing whether you stand in front of a judge, priest. Rabbi or minister is a just legality and cerimonial. No one can improve perfection which is the union of man, woman & child… sun, moon & stars.
    Congrats to Candice and CJ with your families as well.

  27. Hemp says:

    Get it poppin.

    You love CS beyond reality…a circle with no end.

    Go head man

  28. Angie says:

    If you’re asking, you already know. The love is all in this post. Good luck!

  29. the_dallas says:

    geneva_jones Says:
    July 9th, 2007 at 3:07 pm e

    The real question is: will she have you?


  30. Jubilance says:

    How sweet….if you love her and you see a future together, then have “the talk” and find out if she wants the same thing. If she does, then make it happen.

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