eff the popo

image: TKC

Peep this dastardly story out of Raleigh, North Carolina. A local high school has a vocational program that is teaching its students how to produce movies and the school project was an assignment to create an actual police recruiting video. What the fuck is this shit?!?

More high school + police news…
Dallas police have arrested this dude named LETORIAN TUBBS in connection with a double shooting at an area high school. Now we have discussed shit like this previously, but when your momma names you LETORIAN and your daddy’s last name is TUBBS, your fate in this world has been pre-ordained. There is nothing good coming from LETORIAN TUBBS. This dude should have been put in jail when he was five years old.

Don’t mix the police with politricks…
AL GORE’s son was busted by the jakes with a car full of weed and pills. Dude is now ready to be a rapper, or our next president. My hope is the former, and then his mother TIPPER can rally the Senate to have a PMRC sticker placed on his album. Here’s how I know this story was bullshit. The police said GORE was driving over a hundred miles an hour in a fuckin’ Toyota Prius. That little bullshit whip couldn’t even go that fast if you dropped it from the Sears Tower.


  1. Combat Jack says:

    Letorian Tubbs was only tryna’ make it rayne!

  2. Amadeo says:

    I know you peeped them busting Guilianis N.C. (I believe) campaign manager for coke possession.

  3. nerditry says:

    No one gets high and drives 100 mph on purpose, it’s not possible. Especially that San Diego SOCAL. Couchlock = yes, speeding = too paranoid.

  4. the_dallas says:

    ^ “No one gets high and drives 100 mph on purpose”

    Especially not high on WEED! In a fuckin’ Prius?!?

  5. B says:

    “That little bullshit whip couldn’t even go that fast if you dropped it from the Sears Tower.”

    hilarious. shit like that is why dp is the second site i check each morning (after mets wrap @ nyt)

    more rapper math, that was the best.

  6. Ream_Team says:

    I can’t believe it took 5 Kids seven months to make that effin video.

  7. 40 says:

    Dallas Carter HS in the national news spotlight again? This school is more famously known for being:

    1. The “black” high school in the book/movie “Friday Night Lights”.
    2. More importantly one of the biggest school athletic criminal scandals in recent history. Around ’88/89 the Dallas Carter High’s FB team weren’t all sassisfied being the top program in the football factory that is the state of Texas and almost every senior had a college scholarship offer in hand. These ninjas took it to the next level, with a sense of off field bravado that makes the Bengals look like Pussies, these dudes went out on a robbing and crime spree and caused all type of havoc… So this school shooting don’t sound so off.

  8. ruimixx says:

    Man, this school is where the wifey went for two years before getting the hell out. That’s that Oak Cliff mayne.

    That’s not even the worst HS in the area.

  9. thoreauly77 says:

    actually dallas, i believe the prius tops off at 102 if you charge the battery up real good.

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