If the abominable Assquatch owned these Air Maxes you wouldn’t even catch a glimpse of him.
Just do it.

This entry was posted on Monday, July 30th, 2007 at 12:34 pm and is filed under Black Bullshit, Fashion Faux Pas, Ghetto Celebs, H.A.M., No Boutros Boutros... Ghali, Sneaker Fiends United, The Addict. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Those air max joints are fiyah. No comment for the naked man in the woods.
air max 90 boots are nothing new… and that color way is less than inspiring. So sneaker fiends, ignore! Which we already were…
Not a sneaker fiend since most of them are to colorful for my taste, so I actually like these.
And is that you running in the woods?
i am going to pretend i never saw this drop.
That’s Assquatch, the mysterious woodland beast that runs through the woods stark naked, save for the pair of trail running Timberlands and the woolen gloves and hat.
Assquatch: the funniest shit I’ve seen in two weeks, easy.
Those are mad fresh.
ps dpenn just helped me come up on some quick cash. a certain blogger tried to tell me that assquatch was a white man. i know a light skinnt superblogger streaking when i see him! XD