DP Dot Com Super Heroine Series: TALIA AL’GHUL


I could prah’lee do a series just on the chicks that the Bat has banged out over the years. I almost think that Batman is a faggot because he is always getting next to bad broads. He doesn’t have the numbers of anyone less than a ten in his phonebook. Only fags stay next to supermodels that much. There is not one buster on this man’s resume. That’s pretty impressive. This chick, Talia Al’Ghul was one for the ages, literally.

Talia Al’Ghul was the daughter of Batman’s nemesis Ra’s Al Ghul. Typical for the Bat is that he only effs with chicks that are severely insane in the membrane. Talia Al’Ghul makes Catwoman look as sane as SUZE ORMAN. Sometimes she feels like a nut and does some crazy shit to kill thousands of people and move her father’s goal of genocide further and sometimes she lets the Batman give backshots to her sweet Persian baklava. It’s all so crazy.

I started to get into Talia Al’Ghul after I copped a NEAL ADAMS’ drawn Detective comic book and I saw this exotic young hotness whom the Bat was sticking his tongue down her throat. I was like, “Dayum!” and I grew up thinking that Arabic chicks were sexy mommas. Until RONALD RAYGUN showed me otherwise. True story though is that I had a monster crush on my Geometry tutor when I was thirteen, and I so badly wanted to give her Iranian arse my chocolate rain.

Anyhoo, I never did smash anything Persian after all, and I’m certainly not messing with any of those suicide bomber broads at this point. Just like Talia Al’Ghul these Arabic chicks might be sexy, but their politics make them complicated as fuck.

10 Responses to “DP Dot Com Super Heroine Series: TALIA AL’GHUL”

  1. YaBoy Po says:

    first lol

    man yea that bitch is crazy man i think in one of them alternate reality titles or some shit her and batman have a baby and i remember her daddy being reincarnated as hr or some shit

  2. smog says:

    dude they have a baby right now he is crazy as hell and almost killed robin, then batman had to tell that kid to get the fuck out of gotham

  3. Yo DP the website I write my ish for has been nominated.


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  4. Combat Jack says:

    ^ “dude they have a baby right now he is crazy as hell and almost killed robin, then batman had to tell that kid to get the fuck out of gotham”

    That story line is ill!!

  5. YaBoy Po says:

    comics is crazy nowaday period i licked a got damn spider man comic awhile ago and they was having a damn civil war killed captain america and all that

  6. Yo Yaboy I read your little post on Fa’sho pussy pretty funny duke.

  7. Yea baby girl has been on the “detective” for eons now. I never did understand why Bats didnt play on his playboy status more. Too busy playing with his toys in the batcave(no robin fishnet shorts).

    Bitch is baaaad tho. I’d hit the crazy broad a few times.

    Good Post DP.

  8. spider says:

    as crazy as talia is, lei it be known she is down for her daddy (no lil wayne).

    proof of this is in an episode of batman beyond, where she comes to an old ass bruce and he concedes in using the lazarus pit to regain his youth.

    the shocker in that is that it’s not talia in talia’s body; it’s RA’AS in her body!

    meaning that she sacrificed her soul to have daddy still put cain on the world! meaning that when bruce necks her down, he’s necking a physical woman, mental man!


    one more thing, dallas: not to be a technical prick, but in what sense is she a superheroine?

  9. the_dallas says:

    How is she not a superheroine? She hangs out with a crazy undead dude, occasionally putting in work for the good guys every now and again, and she gives Batman brain. If she ain’t heroin her head game is that crack.

  10. Koe Love says:

    Thinking about all the dime pieces that I peeped in one too many comic book cells over the years, it’s no wonder why my Puerto Rican ass was dry humpin’ black n’ brown chicks in grammar school. lol Between chicks like Talia and Bode broads, it ain’t hard to tell why our little Latin asses were bonafide boom-boom boys by 10. lol

    Long live the anatomically exagerrated!! lol


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