Burn Hollywood, Burn!

cali fires

White is starting to kick up dust over the fires that are raging through Southern California. GEORGE CARLIN, who I consider one of the great sage minds on my time says that over-development in regions that shouldn’t be built upon are the reason that so much property is being lost. Now while I can’t argue with GEORGE from that standpoint I still feel a kind of way for the folks that have lost their homes. Unless I know for sure that those people were absolute shitbags I have to empathsize with them. The chances are most of these folks getting their shit burnt the fuck down are the same So-Cal hippies that support Greenpeace and lap the piss from the tip of AL GORE’s rod [ll]. That is the wicked irony of this.

I just hope these soft shoe hippies don’t move to NYC because I am already being priced out by the cornfed, cowboy boot wearing contingent from the MidWest who think that paying $1800 per month for a one bedroom flat in Brooklyn is a bargain since the same square footage costs three stacks ($3000) in Manhattan. I may have to move into a house boat tethered off a Hunts Point dock if I want to keep an NYC zipcode. I certainly won’t make light of fires since C.S. crib went up in flames two years ago. She lost everything she owned. It was as if the last ten years of her life had been deleted from a hard drive. It was heavy shit, but homegirl is hardbody for real and she has kept it moving. I’ll go in on her story one of these days.

But the discussion that no one really wants to open up is why saving the planet Earth is total bullshit anyhoo. Saving the planet Earth means preserving the status quo of power and politics. I say we kill the Earth and then see who can stand up through a summer when the temperatures go over 150 degrees. Fuck this save the whales save the icebergs shit. If AL GORE was so gotdamn damn smart how come he ain’t the president?

6 Responses to “Burn Hollywood, Burn!”

  1. Candice says:

    If AL GORE was so gotdamn damn smart how come he ain’t the president?

    Uh, he WAS the President, remember the dimpled chads? GWBush is just a cheating azz gangsta.

  2. @I just hope these soft shoe hippies don’t move to NYC because I am already being priced out by the cornfed, cowboy boot wearing contingent from the MidWest who think that paying $1800 per month for a one bedroom flat in Brooklyn is a bargain since the same square footage costs three stacks ($3000) in Manhattan. I may

    Real Talk

    the fact that new york looks like the rest of the coutnry now breaks my heart

    We lost most of our uniqueness and now big corporations own every store.

    Add on top of that most off the kid I went to school are either

    In the army
    Down South
    In jail

    it like my generation in New York doesn’t exist

  3. Enigmatik says:

    this lady in my class last night was like “well, i guess the government has learned their lesson from katrina. all of the people in the stadiums are comfortable and aren’t complaining.”

    i wanted to throw a brick at her head.

  4. ovid bowsprit says:

    Actually, it’s not the left wingers who are suffering this. Remember, these fires are in Canyon country, Orange County, and San Diego. Three of L.A.’s capitals for angry white men with guns who love “W”. These Hummer driving assholes are licking the Cheney tip. So enough of your ridiculous black man republican bullshit.

  5. Amadeo says:

    I don’t know about that ovid I’ve been to S.D. and what I saw was not a bunch of angry white men. There were a bunch of black men, hip-hop loving white girls though.

  6. ovid bowsprit says:

    Dude. I live there. The only Black men there are in the Marines and the Navy. And they’re on ships, not up in the chaparall.

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