The Sun Sets Over The Sears Tower…

sear tower

The city of Chicago must surely mourn along with their favorite son at the passing of his beloved mother.

True story is that I spoke with Mrs. West at the Universal Music Group listening party for her son’s latest album ‘Graduation’. Whatever I had said was silly and probably fueled by all the alcohol that I had enjoyed up to that point. Her reply was equally snarky and it was obvious that she was enjoying KanYe’s moment for all the life she shared with him in the past thirty years.

The biggest credit I can give to ‘Ye Tudda is that he always held tight to the people that he loved. Peace be with you lil’ homey.

5 Responses to “The Sun Sets Over The Sears Tower…”

  1. prynsex says:

    Man when I heard the news of her death, all I could think about was Kanye. It was almost like you knew her. I pray to The Almighty for his strength at this moment.

    On another note…….This should be even more confirmation to black women that, WE don’t need to enhance, increase, decrease, release and relax to relate!

    Vanities are just that, vanities.

    May The Almight bless Kanye and his family.

  2. Candice says:

    I blogged on this topic today. To be in her 50’s and such an accomplished and successful woman….what a shame that she still thought she needed cosmetic improvements. She was beautiful enough as is.

    Rest in Peace and God Bless Ye and his family at this time.

  3. Lion XL says:

    This was a sad finish to what may have been one of his greatest years…and like Candice I hopes this becomes a stark reminder that even some of the most highly educated people can fall victim to the pressure of vanity and/or celebrity.

    PS….I hope the rumors are untrue that she actually ‘shopped around’ to find this idiot of a doctor. Which BTW is not his first incident of malpractice…..

  4. Combat Jack says:

    I do smell some lawsuits and more publicity to come in connection w/ Ms. West’s death.

  5. I heard the surgeon’s medical license (important to note: the doctor was NOT a board certified plastic surgeon) may get suspended or revoked, but like Combat Jack…I don’t think this is over.

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