street fighter

Watching the O.G. ‘Street Fighter’ flick starring SONNY CHIBA, blazed the eff out of my head since it wouldn’t be right to watch a CHIBA flick without being high off the cheeba. This shit is so fucking hardbody you wouldn’t believe your eyes. SONNY CHIBA is this wild eyed karate dude for hire that beats the shit out of everybody. Even the people he is paid to rescue.

The movie opens up with dude posing as a monk that is supposed to give a man his last rites. Instead he beats dude’s ass, and then tells him that he is going to put dude in a coma so that he can rescue him later. WTF? ‘Street Fighter’ is the ‘Super Fly’ of Yakuza flicks. The Yakuza is the Japanese mafia and they are way cooler than the Cosa Nostra ever was. The Yakuza all wear shades and dress in some of the meanest vines. Shoeboots are the minimum.

‘Street Fighter’ is a classic 1970’s exploitation flick from the treatment of the special effects to the all around poor acting. You shouldn’t be watching ‘Street Fighter’ for its acting or its storyline. You should be watching ‘Street Fighter’ to see SONNY CHIBA kill motherfuckers fifty different ways from Sunday. Watch it to see SONNY CHIBA make motherfuckers bleed from the head. Watch it to see SONNY CHIBA jam his fingers into people’s brains via their eye sockets. SONNY CHIBA even castrates a man with his bare hands [ll].

Tell me if you haven’t seen this shit before so I can mail you my DVD copy.

Yes, for free.


  1. Grand Master says:


    but i’ll let the DVD pass to someone who needs it more, I’m my own kung fu flick for real…

  2. the_dallas says:

    ^ Ha! True.

    You want my copy of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?

  3. Grand Master says:

    nah i’m straight with that, you know I got that ferris.bueller.AVI sitting on my hard drive [||] back at school

  4. Soulrise says:

    Dallas, I’d love to get a copy of Street Fighter. I’ve seen Sonny Chiba’s Shogun flicks but have never seen Street Fighter. It’s always been one of those movies that I’ve meant to peep but never got around to it…

  5. the_dallas says:

    Like my man T-LA Rock says, “It’s Yours!”

  6. Soulrise says:

    I appreciate it, what’s your e-mail?

  7. the_dallas says:

    I just sent you an e-mail. If the address you gave my server is official then you already know whats up.

  8. dubble13 says:

    I’ve never seen anything by Sonny Chiba, but I know he is referenced by Taratino. Do they carry his movies at Blockbuster?

  9. twerkolator says:

    “You want my copy of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?”

    i just bought that joint (and pretty in pink) from best buy for $5 apiece (up next, weird science and sixteen candles – the classic to end all classics)!

  10. Meka Soul says:

    yo real talk, i copped a double feature of this and “return of the street fighter” for a dollar at the local 7-11.

    shit even came with popeye cartoon interludes.

  11. the_dallas says:

    ^ I can’t stand them Hindurabic motherfuckers, but I would buy ten of them joints for a buck.

  12. Once again I’m reminded at how severely lacking my movie knowledge is.

    *walks away confused*

  13. Word I just copped Big Top Pee-Wee, that ish is hardbody!

  14. the_dallas says:

    True story is that DP Dot Commenter Ovid Bowsprit was in that movie. True story.

  15. Blackwater says:

    I needs that joint. I never even heard of dude but you made the joint sound so hard (n/h). I like wto see low-budget ass kicking abd shit like that.

  16. Blackwater says:

    True story is that DP Dot Commenter Ovid Bowsprit was in that movie. True story.

    ^B your site is famous like a ninja-turltle © Boosie. lol.

  17. Juan Solo says:

    I have never seen a Sonny Chiba film. I would love a DVD.

  18. Combat Jack says:

    Funny ish is that during the ’80’s, I was putting in mad work to get my resume to where it is now, so I missed a lot of dope ’80’s movies. Now I’m on a catch up mode and watching mad notable flix from that decade. Unfortunately, most flix of that era did not age well. I just saw both “Ferris Bueller” and “They Live” last month and both them babies still deliver. Thnx for taking me back to Sonny Chiba days. Real talk, I used to see them joints in the drive-ins in Haiti!!! How hard body is that?!?

  19. eight12 says:

    Netflixing that ish now

  20. Ronnie Friday says:

    Just so ya’ll know the copyright on this film expired so it’s free domain now.

    And for good measure Return of the Street Fighter.

  21. Grand Master says:

    And for movies that aren’t free domain:


    i feel bad for my local hustler, ever since i started going in hardbody on the internets (no [||] here), $5 for two bootleg movies is starting to be a bad look… oh well, more money for gear

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