
Editor’s note: Exactly one year ago to this very day I dropped a post with the same headline. In the space of that year the only thing that has become readily apparent is that handguns are manufactured primarily for killing Black males, no matter whose hands they rest in. The comments below are from a reader who may not have seen my drop regarding my good friend and co-worker RAY BARNETT. The trend of Black males being slaughtered in America is a human crisis that must be challenged. If not by us, then by whom?

Sup, Fam? I think, somewhat-justifiably, that there’s always a tendency to think that there’s a karmic subtext to these situations when an athlete/rap star gets robbed or something bad happens to them. We’ve gotta be honest-the Pacman Joneses and Michael Vicks of the world leave an incredibly strong impression on our psyches giving the impression that these “spoiled brats” merely get what’s coming to them. Even the amount of attention that these brats get in 1) jail, 2) infamy, (and in this case) 3) death is a reflection of their privileged status-if you or I were to get shot, we’d get, at most, a sentence in the newspaper.

Still, this is tragic. I don’t know Sean Taylor. He seemed to be getting his life together, however, and doesn’t seem to fit the other prerequisites for a tragic death. No diss songs to everyone on the East Coast or tattoos with street names on his neck or making it rain in strip clubs or giving chicks STDs and dog-fighting or even flashing his Cartier watches and iced-out grill. He was in his house, doing the family thing with his lady and his seed, where he was supposed to be.

The grim, horrible statistic wins again

R.I.P. Sean Taylor


8 Responses to “ENDANGERED SPECIES…”

  1. Belize says:

    Yeah man

  2. 40 says:

    Sean Taylor earned the distinction of being “The Craziest Dude from The U” by his Miami NFL brethren. I think dude lived his life to the fullest, just a shame it got snuffed out at 24. Bigger shame is how many of us are all to familiar to this story. Hope these weekend kingpin n*ggas wake up and realize the permanence of this shit.

  3. omegaSB says:

    depressing …..

  4. Big Homie says:

    I thought he was going to pull through. RIP

  5. Keepaniigadown says:

    Had to switch the name back for this one. Damn shame anyone has to die over senseless and trivial bullshit. It’s sad that this is the type of world we live in. Nowadays people just want ot kill in order to say they did it.

    * I don’t respect the shooter*

  6. Chris says:

    R.I.P. Sean Taylor.
    and R.I.P. to your fam Ray Barnett.

    Really put a damper on my week and the NFL season. Dude was finally realizing his potential as one of the best safeties this league has seen in a long while, and from what I’ve read and heard, was doing the same with his family off the field.

  7. Beggar says:

    Play hard and play good in this game of life…
    It could be a case of his past catching up with him.

    R.I.P. S. Taylor

  8. prynsex says:

    I’m just sad for the state of this world and my blk people right now.

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