Develop, Don’t Destroy, Brooklyn…

227 duffield stret

A few years ago you couldn’t find a more vocal opponent to the proposed construction over the Atlantic Avenue railyards than I was. Sure, the railyards is a patch of blight in a community that has been resurgent, but at what price to the existing community must we accept redevelopment?

New York City on the whole is squeezing the middle class like so much ripened citrus we are almost wrung free of our nectar. What makes this city such a wonderment in the first place are all the people making a living here despite our various ethnic, religious, politic and economic backgrounds. The city is becoming as segregated as a state in the antebellum south. The separations aren’t just racial, but more pronounced along economic lines.

How the fuck does the Bronx end up as the poorest urban county in America? Simply by Manhattan owning the inverse proportion of wealthy residents. LM sent me an online article from CNN/Money featuring some of New York City’s wealthiest families. Peep this shit…

All In The Families

What they all have in common is that their fortunes are tied directly to the land. Forget the stock market, or even broadcasting. New York City wealth is all about the ground that you walk on and who has claim to it. This is why I had such a great concern for the development slated for Brooklyn. This boro has the largest population of minorities and new immigrants who will be the last people to be recognized and protected when the big money is on the line. That big money is in the form of the development company led by real estate mogul BRUCE RATNER.

The ambitious project in downtown Brooklyn called MetroTech is spreading outwards to the west in the high gloss DUMBO arts community. It is spreading northward by capturing Fort Greene and Clinton Hill in its wake and it has its eyes firmly set on the east where the Atlantic Avenue railyards are. But with all of the noise for change and all of the young, new-monied folks moving into Brooklyn (read: w… you already know), there is still a voice that must be heard.

JOY CHATEL owns a venerable building on the downtrodden Duffield Street. Her building was formerly a stopover on the Underground Railroad. This was one railroad that she was not about to let RATNER demolish for his shiny new retail playground Brooklyn. She rallied for her rights to keep her home. She mobilized media not just around her home, but for the cause that we can not just push poor people out into the ocean. The courts listened to her arguments and this week she was victorious in her efforts.

By embracing new media Mrs. CHATEL has shown that activism has many forms and formats. You can stand up for your rights by sitting down for a few moments to blog to some of your best friends and let them know what is important to you. It wasn’t enough for the city to rename Duffield Street into Abolitionist Place. Mrs. CHATEL and her friends made the city follow through with action that preserves our American heritage.

227 duffield stret

9 Responses to “Develop, Don’t Destroy, Brooklyn…”

  1. KING ELZ says:

    As a constant lurker and Crooklyn Dodger myself i must say u never seem to amaze me. You always put my thoughts on your blog in words that make me smile. I appreciate you bruh. Now that thats out the way, NYC as diverse as it is, is still one of the most blatant and ignorant racist states in america today. I say ignorant because everyone runs around “pretending” to get along when in all reality no one cares about anything. How many times have u noticed “racism” in the NYC subway system or just simply walking down the streets. Let’s not even get started on MANhattan (i swear everytime i come to the city im reminded of mental slavery) . Honestly this “america” is becoming unbearable for most folks who already made a home here and are slowly getting pushed out by corporate greed and blatant racist devils. I live in “now mostly white” williamsburg and im sick and fucking tired of these fucking crackers crossing the street when they see me coming or these fucking jews letting the door shut in my face. And im not racist at all trust me but its only so much a nigga like me can take before exploding, and the clock is ticking.

  2. Chris says:

    ^ “You always put my thoughts on your blog…”
    These redevelopment plans are straight crazy. While they champion the promise of increased economic opportnity, these redevelopment hide the fact that such opportunities will be ill-afforded to minorities and the greater population because they either won’t be able to live there in order to work because of the standard of living (increased rents, etc.) or will not even be legitimate candidates to work within the newly developed community ( I picture several corporations spotted up in Brooklyn without a minority in sight). And as you said, these plans kill our culture which is already going through enough in this day and age.

    I don’t want America’s cities looking like Borgata Vol. 2.0. No more jiggy redevelopment plans.

  3. 40 says:

    Here’s a telling stat my man hipped me to in listening to Ray Kelly…

    60% of NYC residents live in public/Section 8 housing.

    Middle class whats that? NYC you’re either richly poor, in a relationship that is more predicated on sharing bills than sharing love, outta state people living 4 deep in a studio, or lucky enough to be grandfathered into some rent control shit or move into these luxury condos they’re building everywhere.

    I love this city and hate it all the fuckin’ same.

  4. they must be trying to put up some hig price condos, he doing it all over the ATL – and added u to the roll folk

  5. the_dallas says:

    King ELZ,
    You gota hold tight mayne. Your neighborhood is one that has seen the most radical change in the shortest period of time. A lot of these white are being transplanted from parts of the country where there were NO ppl of color. That doesn’t excuse their bigotry but realize how they have been pre-programmed.

    I say this to help you avoid them as much as they avoid you. I love this city as much as I have loved anything else and I see she’s going through some things right now.

    I won’t leave her though.

  6. Combat Jack says:

    I hear you too ELZ. However, after fighting for over 15 years to become a homeowner in BK, allz I gotta say is paying rent in BK will cost you between $1500 – $3000 a month (depending on where you live). Being a landlord to new white moving into town, PRICELESS.

  7. coqui says:

    So that’s what happened to Park Slope. I left Brooklyn a little over 7 years ago and came back to visit just earlier this year. I was literally lost in my own neighborhood, couldn’t get situated until I found P.S. 10. My old building is a fuckin real estate law office now. What the fuck?! Guess the yuppies couldn’t resist the Brownstones up the street any longer.
    You know how BK dudes love being from that m. effer. I always had this little voice in the back of my head telling me to go back when my life slows down and i get my shit straight… now I got no where to go back to. Shit is disgusting man.

  8. This is some foul shit, indeed, but can we get a spell check on the signs, please?

  9. KING ELZ says:

    Combat Jack- I envy and admire you at the same time. I just love to see my people shine. But the difference of the market now and 15 years ago is so drastic that it’s almost impossible for me to even consider that route.

    Dallas I been living in NYC since birth,thats 24 years now. I’m Boogie down born and brooklyn bred. And i at times also feel as if i can never leave. After traveling to many places i would never have thought of (thanks U.S. Army) i must say that new york city is overrated. But then again thats my own personal opinion and to each his own. And i do “ignore” and avoid as much as i can but when its constantly thrown in my face what more can i do? for example my neighborhoods been plagued with car thieves, Personally my car has been broken into 3 times. So the other day im walking and some jeremy shockey looking ninja trys to deck me talking about “stop trying to break into cars”. Can u blame me for feeling this way?????? BUT WTF I LOVE NYC! i love getting fresh, going uptown for the piff, and having that NY swag thats seemed to follow my from california to japan. God Bless you all and i will be lurking until i decided to comment again. PEACE!

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