POLITRICKS 2008: I Get High With A Little Help From My Friends…


It was free button night at the S.O. hall, and guess who wanted to give away bumper stickers as well?

When operatives of the HILLARY CLINTON campaign machine said that BARACK OBAAMA’s drug use will be his Achilles’ Heel in his Democratic nomination bid I LOL’d. I mean, between BILL CLINTON and GEORGE BUSH Jr’s checkered histories with illicit drugs we have had two 2-term presidents. The biggest difference between those dudes and OBAAMA is… Well… Yeah, other than that.

OBAAMA’s single greatest political asset is that he has been remarkably honest when divulging parts of his past, whether it was the fact that he had once owned his parents as a former slave master or the fact that he liked to smoke crills with MARION BARRY. None of those shortcomings are as bad as someone who would bankrupt the nation in the guise of a fiscal surplus, or someone who would send the sons and daughters of the poor to die in the desert a world away.

For the last uhdeen years the president of the United States has been anything but honest. There was that blip with JIMMY CARTER, but before and after since nothing but rapscallions and ne’er do wells. You see I equate marital infidelity with wiretapping or perjury. They all point to a deficit of the ethical nature. What I can’t believe is that I am here describing a political actor for his candor and forthright character. What I also can’t believe is that Americans still want to maintain the lies that have been disproven time and again. The assassinations of JFK, MLK and X must have been the greatest national mindfucks evar. People are still shook ones to this day over those murders. Why else wouldn’t people demand their rights now?

I’m talking about the right to be given an honest assessment of our national forecast. Then again, maybe the honest truth is that as a country, we Americans can’t handle the truth.

9 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: I Get High With A Little Help From My Friends…”

  1. omegaSB says:

    he had to open his wide fucking mouth ….thats it ..one ticket to Europe

  2. Candice says:

    “OBAAMA’s single greatest political asset is that he has been remarkably honest ”

    The problem right there^ is that there is NO ROOM for honesty in Politriks.

  3. Grand Master says:

    “They all point to a deficit of the ethical nature.”

    people keep buying into this idea that we can separate a presidential candidate’s personal (i.e. marital/business/financial/criminal/crack-smokin’) morals from their future ethics in the white house. why? Halliburton, I see you. Father, you see king DOLLAR BILL.

    Brother Dallas, preach on… but remember that preaching to the choir can only do so much… i’m no five percenter but all i know is that 85% is a conservative estimate.

  4. prynsex says:

    You can tell that man smoked that good green or somethin’…….look at his lips.

    I don’t drink or do drugs. I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I don’t need to add to THAT illusion.

  5. Amadeo says:

    I loved when they asked him about Clinton not inhaling. Money hollered, “that was the whole point”.

  6. omegaSB says:

    yea those are definately resin stained lips ….

  7. 40 says:

    Barry-O smokes ‘Ports. Nuff said.

    But to Dallas’ point, Barry-O has been making headway thru this because of him being the “Least Politician-ish Politician”. Plus I think he knows eventually he’ll get pwned like Abe Pollin did Jordan so why not have a go at it?

  8. Eloheem* says:

    People don’t seem ready for change just yet. Things have to be absolutley effed up in order for people to step up. 9-11 showed me that when things were at there worst the people were at thier best. So in order to speed up armageddon I’m voting for the worst possible candidate. It’s a toss up between Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani in 08.

    I’m not exactly sold on Obama but I think his wife is a good reflection of the man he really is.

  9. wow. “there it is” (c) The Bobs from Office Space.

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