toy store

If you had the time and money to waste on buying your seeds an educational toy I am suggesting that you copp them an Automoblox toy kit. I got hip to these toys walking through the yuppified Park Slope Brooklyn neighborhood where Chocolate Snowflake volunteers at a food co-operative.

The Automoblox toys are considered ‘smart toys’ like most building block sets are. They help kids develop their cognitive problem solving abilities as well as their motor skills and spatial relationships. In other words, kids learn how to put shit together and how parts interact and relate with one another. Plus, their toy kicks major ass.

My mother credited my drawing capabilities with the fact that I played with wooden blocks for five or six years. Well up until my twenties. Nahh, but seriously, goal-oriented problem solving with play a part in helping a child build their sense of self-esteem and confidence. Also I think these motor skills are important and shouldn’t only be strengthened through video game play.

We are almost at the point where people can’t assemble the shit that comes from IKEA. This isn’t a good thing for our society and bridges will continue to fall if no one ever learns how to build them or is even encouraged in that direction. Playing with Automoblox will not make your child an engineer, but it will definitely be a stepping stone for his or her development and learning. Plus, they will get a kick ass car to play with.







12 Responses to “TOY STORY…”

  1. Candice says:

    My sons birthday is coming up. I have to check these out.

  2. Amadeo says:

    Do kids even build models anymore? I loved G.I. Joe…but me and my cuz had imaginations. We would set up whole storylines to how we were going to play…so much so that by the time we got the story together it would be time for him to leave and wouldn’t have even gotten to actually play yet.

  3. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Omar snuffed by a ten year old? Shorty should have been playing with these toys instead of a 38. Ernie

  4. Maxine says:

    Oh No Ernie! Not everybody has On Demand! That’s my crack though. For real.

  5. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    I’m just guessing. He loves to tell kids “Put it down young’un” and never hurt a kid. Omar is the best thing on The Wire period, him and Prop Joe are the real stars of that show all the rest is filling. The Wire makes all other TV seem like garbage. Ernie

  6. PLUG says:

    yall picture inventory has went to crap… what happened to celebraty tatas and the random bafoonery yall used to have

  7. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Dalls, Yeah like PLUG says-more fuckery, more slackness, more illness, more mindless rot, more bullshit, more clowning-
    Oh wait, this is an election year. They have the candidates doing your job on the 6 o clock news-how the fuck are you going to compete with Hillary’s fat redneck ass and Oboma’s well paid staff? and now that Gulianus is gone and McCain is hollering for ten more years of war, how do you compete with that?. Ernie
    PS keep being Dallas and keep doing your ill random bulshit. Like Common said “ONE DAY IT”LL ALL MAKE SENSE”

  8. Nice. I need to grab one for the godson. Might grab one for me too.

  9. spider says:

    i’m just going to naturally assume you have shoes to match all the cars pictured

  10. the_dallas says:

    ^ Matching sneakers with toys?!?

    What kind of freak do you take me for?



  11. Combat Jack says:

    I actually copped a couple for my lil 6 yr old dun last year at this joint in the village called “myxlplyx”. dopeness.

  12. hottnikz says:

    Thanks for the tip. I’m trying to get my son into these type of toys, and slowly wean him away from the video game.

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