rev wrong

Editor’s note: You may be familiar with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright as the outspoken leader of the congregation that BARACK OBAAMA attends in Chicago. Sneaker Fiends Unite! field general 40 Diesel stops by DP Dot Com to tell us that this Reverend Wright is just dead wrong.

I’d like to take this time to give the DP.com “HO SIT DOWN” to Reverend Jeremiah Wright who’s “Oooh Lawdie” ramblings are threatening to derail the Obama train.

To quote DeRay Davis on Kanye’s debut album – “You’s a n*gger, and I don’t mean that in no nice way!” This applies to Rev. Ike, I mean Wright. Plus when I do break out the venerable 14th Letter Bomb I use it in the same context that Uncle Ruckus uses it to describe Uncle Remus. No German plow-pushers here, I mean the full “ER” (no Mekhi Phifer). Why do I cast Rev. Wright in to the deep, dark end of the n*gger pool? Because like most n*ggers he doesn’t give a f*ck about black people here. He’s acting like your drunk uncle at your Ivy League school graduation luncheon. Yeah you love him for all he’s done but at this point he’s just acting wrong by compromising someone else’s gains so he can ramble on and “keep it real”.

I never got down with the Negroe clergy because I just didn’t see where all that whoopin’ and hollerin’ were gonna get us anywhere other than late for football. Also I never quite rocked with religion like that, and I don’t mean in the smarmy Bill Maher way that casts off any one with a belief system as “stupid”, but that we’ve been calling on “De Lawd” since Jamestown and we’re still fucked up in the game. Marx once said “religion is the opiate for the masses”, well then the Black Clergy is the kingpins of its distribution, and we all know how kingpins can be.

So I admonish this Kingpin Wright because instead of stepping up and making a simple statement like “These are not Barack’s words or beliefs, these are mine.” He’s gonna lay in the cut and line is coffers with more tithes and collection plate duckets. Meanwhile, Barack Obama has to answer for this fool and if he doesn’t show the right amount of contrition everything he’s built could be blown to bits by the media onslaught, thus derailing the first nationally viable brother in years. But see thats what n*ggers do, as Chris Rock said “N*ggers love to keep it real!”, yeah – REAL COWARDLY. I mean Barry-O took on the Farrakhan question smoother than Billy Dee with a case of Colt 45, and in doing that he didn’t shit on ole Louie, he just disassociated himself from the comments he didn’t agree with and kept it moving.

Rev Jeezie here needs to understand whats at hand here, and speak up for the man that thrust him in to the national spotlight. Quit being a chicken shit, and talk all that “Whitey this” in the comfy confines of your Negroe peanut gallery. Step up, stand up, and speak when there’s alot more hanging in the balance than locking down those tithes to remodel your tax free mansion in Chicago. We got a country hanging in the balance here and the integrity of a black man being challenged here. But if you and the rest of The New Day Co-Op of preachers wanna let him fall because you really wanted Missy Hillary then go ahead, we don’t need you. So I’ll end this with a paraphrase of Malcolm’s feelings over the demise of the Nation of Islam…

“Greatest candidate black folks had in years, and a n*gger ruined it.”

Remember y’all real n*ggers don’t die, they just fuck it up for black folk…

26 Responses to “HO SIT DOWN!”

  1. Candice says:

    Best post I have read so far on the topic. *Holds lighter up for 40*

  2. evan says:

    Amen and thank you Great White Jesus!

  3. 40 says:

    Additional Note – This was written before Barry-O’s historical speech yesterday.

  4. this dude Glenn Greenwald has been killin the politics/current events blog game with devastingly logical yet etherous posts lately.



    Check out how Greenwald shows the IOKIYAR (It’s OK If You Are Republican) pass the lamestream media gives McLame gets for the racist + anti-Catholic bigot John Hagee, who McCain openly supports.

    Hagee is far worse of a racist/bigot than Rev Wright or Farakahn.

    Unlike Obama, McLame doesn’t reject Hagee’s comments.

    Motherfock IOKIYAR, & any morons that still proclaim that the IOKIYAR-biased right-wing MSM is “a liberal media”

  5. Enigmatik says:

    Was Rev. Wright wrong before Obama ran for President or after?

  6. 40 says:

    I’m not saying his rhetoric or sermons were wrong, I’m saying his apparent silence is wrong. Either in defense of himself or for one of his flock. That is the crux of it all with me and Rev. Wright.

  7. 40 says:

    PS – This drop was written in the reaction to the media reaction to Rev. Wright, before BO basically put it down for the crown later that morning. Honestly I think a mans religion has no place in this country that prides itself on the separation of church & state and was supposedly founded for “religious tolerance”. Even though we chide the “backwards Islamic governments of the Middle East.

    But I like I said I do take issue with him or any other “leader” who decides to stand silent when a mere statement of word or fact can work to rectify the situation…

  8. LM says:


    Nice piece. But do you really think that Jeremiah Wright standing up for Obama wouldn’t have fueled the media firestorm?

    This stuff was bound to come out and Obama handled it beautifully (after some uneasy moments). But if the good reverend was 99 percent right in what he said in those sermons (my belief) the problem is still in the one percent. Not fair, but that’s the truth. What I am most glad about re: Obama’s speech is that one underlying message is about the media’s double-standard in hyping this to the point that his campaign seemed in peril.

  9. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    If one analyzes the religious background of any candidate or his or her minister they will find a high degree of hypocrasy, lunacy, racism (Mormon’s preached against either Black or Female clergy), Catholics are against female clergy and the list goes on and on and on. Wright is no better or worse than any of those “middlemen to God”. They are usually some degree of hustler, pimp or parasite. Ernie

  10. Lion XL says:

    “Less noticed was the elaboration he provided in an interview aired Monday night on ABC’s “Nightline” on the question that once so divided many whites and blacks: did Simpson butcher his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her wrong-place, wrong-time friend, Ron Goldman?

    “You remember when, during the O.J. trial … black and white culture just had these completely opposite reactions and nobody understood it. I’m somebody who was pretty clear that O.J. was guilty,” Obama told “Nightline’s” Terry Moran.

    He continued: “And I was ashamed for my own community to respond in that way, but I also understood what was taking place, which was that reaction had more to do with a sense that somehow the criminal justice system historically had been biased so profoundly that a defeat of that justice system was somehow a victory.” — LA TIMES


    This why the Jeremiah Wrights get empowered to say what they want, this has no bearing on a presidential election.

    Why should we care if he felt OJ was guilty? In essence what is happening now is that they are using inscindiary(?) moments of black history as barometer to see ‘HOW BLACK IS BARACK OBAMA?’ I mean quote me a story where they asked Hllary how she felt about say, Don Imus incedent? Michael richards? Jenna 6? I may be wrong, but I can’t recall those statements.

    Granted Wright may have went off the deep end in his “colorful” way of putting things. but is he absolutely wrong in his assessments? What Jeremiah Wright said may be wrong in its delivery but oh so true in its content. But does it even matter since they were his personal opinions?

    So until uncle Ruckus puts on a dashiki, Im still riding for Obama.

  11. Enigmatik says:

    I love how pastors/preachers/etc. only fall in one of three categories (hustler/pimp/parasite).

    As for Rev. Wright’s opinion, it is definitely his perogative to justify his statements or not justify them. I personally agree that the delivery could have been better, but the content is on point. Obama’s opposition is reaching to the point that they have to assassinate the character of his church’s pastor in order to weaken his campaign.

    That’s the nature of the beast, I guess.

  12. 40 says:

    BTW – I’m also still voting for Obama.

  13. Tiffany says:

    Nice post 40 dude. I hate that Obama had to address this issue when he’s tried to base his campaign on the problems we face here in this country. These aren’t even his words.

    The speech was the most powerful words I’ve heard in my entire life since those I’ve heard on television of Dr King. It literally brought me to tears. If he loses his quest for the presidency based on the ranting of someone else, it would be a damn shame.

  14. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Agreed, this flap over his pastor is plain and simple race baiting BS. Hillary (MISS ANN) will do anything to win and there is no bottom to her perverse desire to win. Sadly Amerikkka often can’t see past these tired race cards. So each time she pulls one out ask another ten of your friends to vote against her tired ass. Ernie
    PS If you need reminding as to who she really is try to picture her in the big floppy purple pimp hat she wore at Billary’s Inaugaratuion .

  15. The Maven says:

    Before moving here to LaLa, I attended Trinity United Church of Christ. I love Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. I still log on to tucc.org on Sunday mornings to watch the live broadcast, and I’ve been gone from home for six years! That’s how dope this church is to me. Growing up in Chicago may have given me somewhat of a militant identity. The history of Black folk in The Chi is rich and ’bout it. It is one of the most racially segregated cities in our country, and the argument can be made that it is the toughest town politically (“vote early and often”). If you can be a politician there, you can be one anywhere. With that said, I wish Rev. Wright’s introduction to the “national stage” did not come via hatred and harsh scrutiny. I know his style of preaching, and like all sermons delivered in a church, his messages are based upon a biblical scripture or religious principle. He ties the Word in to present life and events, like tapestry, and I’ve found myself sitting in awe of his brilliance and swagger time and time again. Is he a firecracker? Damn right. Is his style sometimes brash? No doubt. Is he radical? I don’t think so. I think he speaks truths that make people uncomfortable. So what. The truth hurts. I see that I am beginning a post, so I am gonna chill and continue this on my own blog. My bad DP……

  16. Amadeo says:

    I’m feeling what’s going down here…I wish Wright had distanced Obama from his comments. Frankly, most churches if you dig through 20 years of sermons, can be held up as Anti-American. Colbert had some good stuff on Robertson/Falwell’s statements about Americas hellbound status and the fact that McCain is now cool with them after denouncing them in 2000. No one follows up on that though. I never expected them too. I do think that Wright should have put distance between his feelings and Obamas, trying to justify his words (as real as they were) only dig a deeper hole.

  17. I Just Say'n Yo! says:

    Obama made a huge mistake ever being associatted with Rev. Wright…very few Whites will give him a pass on this because it plays into their fears of what a Black man would do if he ever got the keys to the Whitehouse. His candidacy we not lead to the nomination and its because he’s made himself ‘unelectable’ in the general through this scandal.

    As for his ‘Race’ speech he made on Monday…It was great, it was awesome, it was every bit as grand as Jerry McGuire’s Missin Statement (and we all know how that ended up).

    Obama is toast, and this from a guy that has a yard sign and sent him $100.

  18. Billy Sunday says:

    I’m mad this nigger just disrespected the thread with that poppycock about donating $100 to the Obaama campaign.

    That nigger is a bald face liar like the majority of anonymous fucks that troll the internets.

    You didnt give no damn money to Obaama because you are poor and you live in Florida so your vote doesn’t count anyways.

    You are just like the rest of the cowards that speak his name in public yet still buy Girl Scout cookies from the Knights of Columbus. YOU are scared that a Black president means you will lose your place in the societal caste.

    YOU represent the majority in this country who supported the Iraq invasion and the collapse of the U.S. economy.

    Take your Obaama lawn sign and use it to fuck your mother.

  19. Tiffany says:

    Get ’em Mr Sunday!

  20. Enigmatik says:

    Billiam X. Sunday…ethering neyukas left and right.

  21. mister MuRPH says:

    Dallas, keep in mind, that everything that the infamous Clinton regime and FauxNews use to derail, Barack, was previously done by the Clintons at some point. They tried to use him dressed in a country’s traditional garb then shortly after, photos of Bill, Hillary, AND The presidential monkey, Bush, wearing a country’s traditional garb. it was a sign of respect and solidarity when THEY did it, but the truth stings like a wasp.. repeatedly.

    Now, with the good reverend, they try to say that his sermon was inflammatory, when in fact, he’d said nothing that wasn’t true. The one thing we learned about white people, is that they fear their disgraceful history. In the entire history of white people, they have never done anything helpful. Never created anything, mostly destroyed things.

    There’s an article written by a white man, deconstructing Wright’s speech and defending him. if you care to read it, the link is here: http://counterpunch.org/wise03182008.html

    Also, considering how badly they Clinton camp is making things seem, what with Wright’s fire and brimstone sermon, and all i find this picture to speak more than 1000 words. taken fomr a post from the New York Times website posted TODAY Here’s the link New York Times Clinton/Wright articleAnd here’s the photo, if you don’t want to go read.

    Now, i don’t want to sit here andlook like I accept this man’s actions, but too many people are speaking out and don’t really know why they are and what they are talking about.

    I don’t want people jumping to conclusions about and disrespecting one black leader in order to raise another. I’m not even a religious person. I’ven’t been to a church, ANY church since the age of reason beset me. I just don’t want people going into something half cocked and getting in an uproar, without knowing both sides of the story.

    With that being said, FLAME ON!

    mIster MuRPH: Regular DallasPenn.com reader, Sneaker fiend and informed and concerned voter

  22. the_dallas says:

    ^ Mr.Murph,

    That white whose article you linked is Tim Wise. Most white run from his ass because he is fond of letting people know that the U.S. government’s “free winter blanket program” for the native American was for blankets filled with smallpox.

    The truth is not what’s up for your average Americans. Hence Columbus Day and social cowardice.

  23. mister MuRPH says:

    Good point. I realize that perception is congruent to reality when it comes to what white people control. My bad. I just didn’t want the brothers that were talking about Wright, to not jump on that crab in bucket mentality train, ya dig?

    One love!
    Emm Double

  24. 40 says:

    I will be watching Bill Moyers tonight and I may have to fully retract the above statement. If HRC wants to keep whooping this up on some Race Card in this game of political Spades then lets get this shit all out in the open. I await your interview Rev. Wright, because the wolves are out against you and we stand on the precipice of derailment as white chooses to air out your beliefs while they get their Western Civilization purity sermons every Sunday. I want to be proven wrong.

    My thoughts go out to the Bell Family before this Verdict…

    Speaking of verdicts – hold your head Wesley Snipes. If 3 Years and $5M ain’t enough for them now I don’t know what chance my black ass has with my pending charges.

    I’m gonna stay normal today…. Thats my mantra. Hopefully society will let me.

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