If You Can Make It Here…


Sometimes the ubiquity of the New York Yankees logo annoys me. The ‘NY’ somehow conveys power, strength and possibly virility. Why else would so many men that don’t even follow baseball wear the hat. I have at least half a dozen Yankee ‘NY’ logo caps in my fitted repertoire and I don’t even like the Yankees like that. You just have to own at least one of these caps for valid street credibility.

Street credibility is important to disenfranchised folks like myself. It’s all I have in this world. No, really. I’m not even joking right now when I say that. I’ll tell you later this week about how fucked the fuck up my world just turned, but for now understand that I am living on the edge. As I was walking from a job site in Crown Heights I saw this lonely Yankee hat left sitting on a cast iron fence. I wondered who in Brooklyn would leave their Yankee hat behind. These New Era fitted caps aren’t cheap, even from the wholesalers I pay $10 per cap.

I decided to take some pictures of the Yankee caps I encountered on my subway ride home. Since I was in Brooklyn the likelihood of me encountering a fan going to the stadium to watch the game was low. These folks wear their Yankee caps not to support JOE GIRARDI, but to maintain their status as average joes in the ‘hood.


Yankee hat in brown and tan to match the PePe Jeans outfit. As an aside, is PePe Jeans considered the national brand for Mexicans?


Traditional Yankee hat in foreground and exclusive Fulton Street monochromatic remix in the background.


Off in the distance, you guessed it, Yankee cap.


Yankee cap reflection in window belongs to someone whose face I never had chance to see.


Like father. like son. Yankee hat status starts as soon as baby is born.

11 Responses to “If You Can Make It Here…”

  1. Dart_Adams says:

    I can understand that. Same thing with B hats in Boston. When children are born in Boston Medical Center AKA Boston City Hospital the wrist tag says the baby’s information on one side and “Tankees Suck!” on the other.

    True story.


  2. sangano says:

    yeah i hate that Tankees…..10 dollars per hat Dall? dam! holla at me with 7 3/8’s!!!

  3. twerkolator says:

    when i don’t feel like fooling with my hair i wear a yankees hat for the simplicity of the design and the logo, and the fact that it matches most of my outfits…other than that, fuck major league baseball, fuck the yankees, and fuck new york city.

    (the new era store didn’t have the all blue Braves hat with the white A).

  4. Marvelous Mo says:

    PePe’s are for the [young] Messicans who been in the states for a minute that probably attended public school.

    Paco Jeans are for the landscaping-fence hopping messicans that travel on the back of the truck that has an infinite amount of paint on the legs.

    but in both looks, they seem to be up on field boots & dunks….

  5. Marvelous Mo says:

    Oh yeah… shout outs to the boogie down. Bx is strong in BK via the Yankee fitted.

  6. The Yankees cap is the 2000s (the aughts?) as the Raiders cap was to the late 80s. Just an observation.

    Let’s go Mets!

  7. Candice says:

    The Yankees hat is a classic due to the color scheme and the ties to NY. It really does match everything.

    When I rock a baseball cap, I wear my Orange and Blue Mets cap. I can’t wear a Yanks cap on prinicpal. 🙂

  8. guds says:

    Its part of the uniform. But what about the rebel Mets Hat rockers. its like” Im kinda official but im different, but the same”. its the streets not sports thats why its deep.

  9. Amadeo says:

    If you see a brother with an Orioles hat…believe it’s about the streets and not baseball. They need to do more with the Ravens joints…Paranoia from the Colts leaving is deep…notice the Ravens emblem is the only team symbol that involves the flag of the city they represent.

  10. Combat Jack says:

    Timely. Can’t find my Yanks fitted anywhere in my crib and I told myself it was time to copp a fresh new one for spring time in the city. Then I check out DP.com. Rhythm!

  11. the_dallas says:

    Combat Jack! What up homey?!

    I just came from the Marshall’s on Atlantic Ave on my way home and they have the classic Yankee New Era fitted on their shelves for $9.99 a wop. Sheeeeeeit, that’s a penny less than the wholesalers.

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