
I can’t even find the words to express my disappointment.

The murder of SEAN BELL was clearly a case of drunk cops.

They were drunk on alcohol and drunk from the power that their badge and their automatic weapons endowed them with.

I just don’t have any words to say at this time that would be worth your eyesight. I feel powerless and insignificant.

Supremacy stays winning.

25 Responses to “PRAY FOR THE BELL FAMILY…”

  1. The Maven says:


    I too am speechless. I want to blog about this, but I’m not sure that I can say anything of any significance that has not been said before in light of similar instances. And, that is what is so sickening, the fact that there have been and always will be similar instances. Where is the bottom?

    I cried for Nicole today. I imagined her pain and I couldn’t help myself. What will she tell her babies?

  2. nimisiskrash says:

    “I can’t even find the words to express my disappointment.” to true!!!!!


  3. Dart_Adams says:

    On the real, I was supposed to post up my album review blog hours ago. After hearing the verdict I’ve decided to rewrite it. How many times is this shit gonna happen? When will it be the breaking point? How the hell did these police get cleared when it was plain as day that they were guilty…AGAIN?

    This type of shit plays havoc with my calm for real.


  4. Tony says:

    That last line is completely correct. I thought it was a joke when drudge had it on his front page. Thanks to Dallas I was able to learn the inside scoop on this story that has implications for the entire nation. Still, I know that when D finds the words and takes just a bit of time on this one . . . It will be epic just like his writing in the aftermath of the injustice.

  5. 40 says:

    “This type of shit plays havoc with my calm for real.” – Dart

    Word. I mean I heard the news today at work and I had to excuse myself because I had tears of anger welling up in my eyes. I’m just numb behind this…

  6. Everybody be safe if your in New York

    I was walking around and there are ALOT of cops riding around looking for trouble…….

  7. Combat Jack says:

    Had to sit my 11 yr. old son down this morning as we both watched NY1 News as they played the verdict out. Reiterated that as he continues to grow taller, he’ll be viewed less as a child and more as a potential threat to the powers that be, therefore when engaged in horseplay with his lil dunnies, not that he shouldn’t enjoy the remaining years of his chilhood and not eff around, but when he does, to please be VERY aware of his surroundings.

    The sad thing about it, and it’s almost now bringing tears to my eyes, is that for the first time in his life, I think he understood where I was coming from.

    Yo, we all know what time it is, please walk lightly. The penn is mightier than the effin glock.

  8. Amadeo says:

    Sad thing is it would have been a break for the norm if they were found guilty.

  9. Karl Eburne says:

    I wanna say something. I’m filled with so many emotions right now. I wanna say something about being a black man in America, but the only thing that comes to my mind to say that could make any sense of this is:


  10. Jaislayer says:

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Bell family. I’m tired… I’m tired of this BS. How in the world do you justify shooting 50 rounds at four unarmed men? One young man’s life is gone. Why? Why is this OK? Where is the outrage on cable news? Where are our leaders? There is such a double standard when it comes to Black people in this country it’s crazy. Dallas you called it right my friend “Supremacy stays winning”. Peace to all and stay safe.

  11. Karl Eburne says:

    To my people:

    Today we are going to hear every cop, lawyer, judge and news reporter find one billion ways to justify a man being shot 50 times by police officers who should know better.

    We must keep in mind that whenever we hear some asshole from the news media agree with the assholes from the police or judicial system about these “justified” shootings that only seem to happen to black people, they probably are the same assholes who feel that the shit that went down in Abu Ghraib was also justified, they think invading the WRONG country and leaving 30,000 people dead is justified. They think Katrina killed all those black people because they were too lazy to get off their black asses and outrun a fucking hurricane and a broken levee.

    To all my New York fam: Stay safe on your way home tonight because apparently to the NYPD, the most dangerous man alive is an unarmed black man minding his own damn business.

  12. “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” -Fredrick Douglass

  13. omegaSB says:

    i guess im skating with a vest from now on. Fuck

    I think a riot would be dope right about now .

  14. Eloheemstar says:

    If it helps any I beat up two cops in ’92 and was aquitted of all charges. The Justice system is definitley a joke but these type of injustices will continue as long as we fail to yeild economical and political power. I honestly was unmoved by the verdict because I already knew the outcome. I was able to express my sympathies to his family last summer.
    I sometimes welcome the open handed slap of white supremecy rather than the veild less obvious brand. There are many negative forces that can rob you of your health, freedom, youth and life in a blink of an eye. I encourage everyone to love ,enjoy and recognize all the positive things this physical plain has to offer cause no one is promised the next millisecond of breath. I love you all and emit positive vibrations to you and yours.

  15. omegaSB says:

    ^ i agree

    Dam 2 cops ?!!…..that deserves mega props just on principle .

  16. omegaSB says:

    But there should still be some kinda shit that pops off something ….an ill protest or some decent rioting … people are way too fucking complacent these days . I got a sinking feeling that absolutely nothing will happen.

  17. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    ” Until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes, everywhere is war and until the philosophy that holds one race superior and another inferior everywhere is war” Emperor Haile Sellaise as sung by Bob Marley

  18. Tiffany says:

    Too sad for words. This is messed up!

  19. Sha'akira says:

    I work right down the block from the court house and it was very eerie to see all the cops out there today and to hear the verdict as I was sitting at my desk at work. People we have lost ourselves we sell our souls everyday and wonder why we get no justice. Black life to people in this world is seen as disposable and will always be seen as nothing to them. Jill said in her song “AND THEY KEEP SAYING THAT WE”RE FREE” WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!! My heart goes out to Nicole two more black babies without a father one more black woman forced to mourn..

  20. Sha'akira says:

    Love you D….

  21. 40 says:

    Its almost 12 hours later and I’m still stringing my thoughts together…. My randoms

    This case rings close to home for me because being a big dude (6’8″ 365) I’ve had cops tell me straight up (including people I know) that they’re not even bothering to tussle if I ever resisted arrest, they’re just shooting me and will get it justified. This shit hurt me alot yo, it just hurts to have your fears and suspicions confirmed so bluntly.

    My moms was really bothered by this because she takes to heart such tragedies because that can easily be her own son out there. Think about it. You’re out with your peoples, like your aces on the night before your wedding. These are probably the people you’d do anything for and it ends like this? Death and a full acquittal of the murderers? This ain’t “Well we felt threatened, and I fired three shots.” Dude emptied his clip and reloaded and emptied that one. And what does his parents have? Nothing but full exoneration of the cops killing their child like a dog in the street.

    Its not about the race of the cops behind the trigger. Its the fact of the matter that these cops can cowboy off like this and can walk away scott free. Don’t fall into the Sharpton trap that its just some black & white sh*t, its more along the lines of this reckless mentality by the people designated to “protect” us. This ain’t NYC of the 80’s and early 90’s where we were averaging 5-6 homicides a day. What it is though is that its as easy to join the NYPD as it is to get a job at McDonalds…

    I remember my senior in HS when the King verdict came down in 1992. I was was equally rattled and appalled by what seemed to be an open and shut case. I watched the rage spill out into the streets of LA and really related to that. The era of PE and Cube and the soundtrack of anger was already there and there was now the action in motion being broadcast across the TV to go with it. I did also see that it took FOREVER for South Central LA to be rebuilt and I’m sure there are still remnants of them hot days in April 1992. But what did “Tearin’ This Muhfucka Up” as Cube so eloquently said accomplish? In fact I’m sure these Carpetbaggers would love us to riot so they can further get out the spades and rebuild Northern Manhattan…

    The fact of the matter is that this is some real bullshit we gotta address and figure out. Kicking in Mr. Kim’s Laundry window does nothing but leave me with dirty clothes. Running around like we’re fresh off the plantation only invalidates the struggle because it incriminates us all and peg us with the eternal stigma of “emotional illogical darkies”.

    Honestly I wish I had answer… I’m still trying to make sense of it all. I mean its like knowing of a terminal illness. You can mentally prep for it all you want, but when it happens is a totally different thing…

    Going for a walk, grab a beer and a smoke… Peace y’all.

  22. DC says:

    Giving everyday individuals (cops) power over others is a dangerous situation in the first place. However, relieving these same people of responsibility for abusing that power is simply insane. Let’s face, there are people in every line of work who are bad intentioned and/or stupid, which can sometimes be worse. The difference is, though, that in most cases these people are unable to negatively effect others due to a lack of power, but when you give these same assholes a badge, a gun, and the veil of the law to protect them, you are going to get events like the Sean Bell murder. Now his death and the acquittal are going to create more hatred and distrust towards law enforcement, which will result in cops feeling more nervous about their safety, and subsequently more incidents of police violence and brutality. It just perpetuates the same cycle that has plagued American inner cities for decades. The only way change will come is if police power is drastically downsized and the federal government monitors the activities in these precincts more vigilantly. But as we all know and as history has taught us, the little man will always get the short end of the stick from the government. As Stevie once said, “The powers keep on lyin’/while your people keep on dyin'”. I guess my point is don’t hold your breath for change, just live everyday like it’s your last because if you’re a twenty-something year old man in a poor, urban community, it just might be.
    One Love, peace.

  23. Maybe that’s the whole fucking point.

    Maybe blogging is good, and it’s powerful, and it connects thoughts and people. It’s expressive, creative and meaningful.

    Maybe we’re doing something by talking about it.

    Or maybe we’re not.

    Maybe we can’t decide whether or not to change the system because we’re too busy talking about it, marching about it, preaching about it, praying about it.

    Maybe we’re low-key keeping ourselves out of power because we’re afraid of what we’d do if we couldn’t criticize things anymore.

    Maybe we shoudn’t have any words for this police fagfest anymore. Maybe other things are necessary.

    Maybe that’s the whole fucking point.

    Great post, homie.

  24. Every time I’ve seen this picture, on the dozens of blogs I’ve read today, I get more pissed off.

    The family looks happy. The baby is damn near Gerber status. The wife looks more than satisfied with her choice of beau. My man Sean looks like he’s holding it down. Like the type of dude you’d play spades with for no money.

    Pissed. Pissed as hell’s toilet.

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