DP Votes For Complex Mag Obamas…


This is like the third or fourth Complex mag Obama I have hit up over the last two months. Mass Appeal had a nice event and I fucks with that mag something serious, but Complex mag throws a better party. Period. Point blank.

The last two joints I went to were for the crappy Kool-Aid x Reebok collabo. I hate the sneakers, but the party was off the cheese plate. The joint that I went to before the ‘Iron Man’ premiere was for a new brand of Axe reodorant called Proximity. Both of these functions were hosted by midtown sneaker emporium Training Camp.


Sonn is the manager of the store. I asked him what the shrink was like for these events. He said “nada”. they have security posted all around the store along with sales people too so he said that no products have been displaced or unaccounted for.

There was some kind of vodka and hors’d ovaries making the rounds. The key to an Obama that isn’t with your favorite booze is to just slam the drinks as quick as you can. I can usually go in for six to ten rounds in under an hour. I count by stacking my cups. I wouldn’t suggest that anyone drink as much as I do. I have been doing media sponsored Obamas since 1989 when my homey Polotron worked for this ad agency Lintas.

I remember being passed out in the bathroom of the old Studio 54. I missed the LL Cool J performance. I did however catch KC and the Sunshine Band. Good times, good times…

I still go hard at any Obama that I make it inside of. Sometimes that means stealing a bottle or two of the booze that sponsors the shindig – Hennessy! Good looking out. I will have to give up my reckless partying habits some day soon, but until then make sure that you have me and a plus one on the guest list.


Jewelry designer JENNIFER HODO in the building.


Sexy shoes were doing what it do.


3 Responses to “DP Votes For Complex Mag Obamas…”

  1. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    FUCKERY-pure fuckery. Ernie

  2. Hanz Domination says:

    Zo, You ver derr leetle unconsiouss negro I was able to dominate in ze bathroom at der Studio 54!!!! Dank you for allowing me to penetrate you. I hope you ver not too sore the very next day.

  3. Lion XL says:

    That TANYA MORGAN? is iight…..sorta like little bro meets arrested developement…..

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